Steve Rogers personalized drabble

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Prompt: "She already knows"

"Have you told her you love her?" Sam asked Steve, accepting the drink the super soldier handed over.

Steve shook his head, gazing at the girl on the couch. "Didn't have to. She already knows." Sam smiled, clapping his friend on the back before leaving the room.

Mae was curled up on the couch, her latest read in hand, green eyes skimming the pages so quickly Steve doubted she even processed what she read. "Let's go out." Mae's eyes didn't leave the page but she shrugged. "We could go to the woods. Find that path Tony was talking about." 

Steve had walked to the couch and bent over Mae, trailing his fingers over her hand.

"Alright." Mae smiled up at Steve and kissed his cheek. He helped her off the couch and led the 

way to the closet where their hiking gear was stored.

"It's a beautiful day," Mae commented.

Steve grabbed her hand and pressed a kiss to it. "Not as beautiful as you."

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