Steve Rogers personalized drabble

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Prompt: "How did you imagine our future together?"

"How did you imagine our future together?" Steve's voice attracted the attention of the blonde on the bar stool next to him. Marissa's blank face told him she hadn't heard his question.


Steve gestured between the two of them. "Our future. How did you imagine it?"

Marissa turned her eyes to the drink in her hand. "Well for starters, I didn't think we'd both end up here. At war."

"What if we weren't? How would our lives look? How would we live?"

Marissa's anger flared up. "Why are you asking me this? Because I know for a fact that you don't love me anymore."

Steve looked down sheepishly. "I just wanted to know if you had the same image that I did."


"I guess it's too late for that now." At one time, Steve had been in love with Marissa but she only had eyes for Bucky, and Steve never pictured his feelings could be returned. When he left for the war it all changed. In the short time after Bucky left, Marissa grew close to Steve, close enough for a stronger love to form. But then Steve left too, and he met Peggy. By the time Marissa became a nurse, Steve had already fallen head over heels for the secret agent.

At that precise moment, Marissa was broken out of her thoughts by the sight of none other than Agent Carter. Steve rose from his seat, abandoning his drink on the bar next to Marissa's own unfinished glass. She sighed.

"There's nothing you could have done, doll." The soothing voice of Bucky spoke softly.

Marissa shook her head, looking sadly at the dark-haired man. "I could have loved him more."

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