Chapter 40

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"Hello! Anyone home?" Steve called out. I rushed out of my room, half ready. Steve was standin' there with Johnny. 

"Pony's in the shower and the rest of us are gettin' ready. Whatever you do, do not touch the food. Pass that along, will ya?" I spoke quickly. 

"Alright, I'll just turn on the tv then." Steve frowned in disappointment. I nodded and ran back to my room and shut the door. When one of us wasn't cookin', they were cleaning. It was noon now, and everyone should be here in a minute, which is why I rushed. 

I was wearing a brown sweater, black skirt, with a black belt. Mom got the sweater for me one Christmas, and it was my favorite, even though I kinda looked like a soc. I didn't care though. I looked modest, cute, and girly. I was gently brushing my freshly dyed hair, which happened to be matched with my roots. My bleached hair was becoming uglier when my natural roots began showing, and Darry gave Pony and I money to get our hair done. We gave him huge hugs that day. He knew how much we hated our hair, and after seeing the state it was in, he didn't want us lookin' ridiculous any longer. I love my red hair with all my heart, and I couldn't be happier to have it back. It also complemented my outfit which was also a plus. 

I ended up leavin' it down and put on my black combat boots. I didn't want to look completely socy. 

I looked over my appearance one last time before headin' out to the livin' room. I smiled, very much content with the result, and left my bedroom. By now, Dally was here, leaving Katie, Two-bit, and Mrs. Matthews being the only ones who haven't arrived. Evie wanted to come, but she got caught up with family festivities. That's alright though, I hope she's havin' fun. 

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in." Steve catcalled, referring to me.

"You look mighty pretty, Adalie." Johnny smiled. 

"Thanks." I slightly blushed.

"Hey, kids!" I turned my head to see the Mathews family walkin' through the door. 

"Mrs. Mathews! Katie! It's so good to see you!" I gave both of them hugs. 

"Honey, you know you can call me Karen." A/N: This is the name I made up for Mrs. Mathews. Carry on.

"Where's my welcome?" Two frowned.

"I see you every day, but hello, Two." I giggled and gave him a side hug. 

"What's in the dish?" Steve asked from the couch.

"Pumpkin pie. It ain't Thanksgiving without it." Karen answered. 

"I'll set it on the table." I grabbed the dish from her. My brothers all appeared eventually and greeted them. I finished putting ice in glasses and went out to the living room to call everyone.

"Food is ready!" 


We were all eating and chatting with each other happily. Everyone seemed to be havin' a good time, which made me happy.

Karen suddenly raised her glass and tapped it with a spoon, which gained everyone's attention.

"I want us to go around the table and say what we're all thankful for this year. I'll start. I'm thankful for a day off and the opportunity to spend thanksgivin' with you kids." 

"Amen," Darry spoke, referring to a day off. 

"I'm thankful for good grades on my report card." Katie went next. 

"I'm thankful for this heavenly chocolate cake," Steve said with a mouthful of chocolate cake.

"I'm thankful that we're spendin' thanksgiving together. It means a lot to Adalie, Darry, Pony and me." Soda smiled.

"I don't have anythin' I'm thankful for." Dally continued devouring the food in front of him.

"Sure you do, Dallas." Karen encouraged.

"What about the fact that you've gone a month without being in the cooler?" Johnny mentioned.

"Yeah, we'll go with that."

"I'm thankful that I recovered okay from the fire." I patted Johnny on the shoulder. 

"Uh, I'm thankful that this year's close to being over." I chuckled.

"I'm gonna have to go with Adalie's." Pony said aloud.

"I'm thankful for my family." I could tell it was hurting Two to not joke, which almost made me laugh.

"Last but not least, I'm thankful for a day off." Darry then stuck a fork full of food into his mouth. 

Weird ending, but I hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas! 

- Morgan <3

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