How'd I Miss This? (Tagged Pt. 5)

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SO intergalacticglxygrl tagged me back in November and I just...Missed it. SO HERE I AM, I CAME BACK. I LIKE THESE :D

1. Do you care what others think of you?

To a certain extent. I definitely don't care as much as I used to. I've been working on my self esteem and confidence during the pandemic and I've been getting better at not giving a fuck about other's opinions of me, but there are definitely people who I definitely care what they think of me. 

2. Middle name?

Christine! (I grate you permission to sing)

3. Favorite sport?

I mean, I used to want to play basketball. That was my plan for high school. Now I do dance and have to watch football and basketball games and dance. 

My favorite to watch is basketball, because I understand it way more and we're allowed to actually sit in between scoring. 

4. Best friend?

She's always been there for me. Her name is Hailey and I love her. We affectionately call one another bitches and hoes. 

5. Someone you couldn't live without?

My mom

6. Favorite name/nickname others call you?

I love being called Kris by my online friends. 

Irl, my favorite is one that Hailey gave me, which is Pidgolin 

7. Are you more cute or sexy?


Jk, not really. But I've been told I'm cute. I like wearing cute clothes that make me feel pretty and I've heard I have a cute personality and demeanor. 

8. What are your preferred pronouns?


9. Have you ever been asked out? 


10. Do you believe in true love/soulmates?

Of course. I don't think it's a destiny thing, but I definitely think that there is someone would fully completes someone else. It doesn't have to be romantic love or soulmates either! 

Ex: I think that my oc Anastasia and her best friend John (yes, Laurens) are platonic soulmates.

11. What are your top 3 pet peeves?

OH DON'T YOU EVEN GET ME STARTED- *Inhales* Okay, I'm fine. 

1. LACK OF PROPER GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION. I am such a grammar nazi. I hate finding fics that I want to read because they have a fantastic plot, but that I just physically can't read because the grammar and punctuation is literal hot trash. I can't do it. 

2. Shrill noises. I hate, hate them. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I mean, like, metal being scraped together. Or the example of nails on a chalk board. I hate it. I can't stand it. BLEH!

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