The Start of the Switch...

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Spade- I still wonder why was everyone running out from this museum.... 

Joker- Ehh who cares at least it would be much more easier to steal the treasure! 

Spade-  Uh i suppose... But right Queen was supposed to steal this treasure right? 

Ai- Um yes Mr. Spade. 

Joker- If she was here then where is she then? Eh who cares at least she won't be in my way! 

Queen- Ahem?! 

Joker- Oops.. Hahaha you can't catch me!!!

Queen- HEY!  Come back here Joker!

Spade- *sighs* *follows them aswell* 

Hacchi- Wait! We have to catch up to them!

Ruko- Yeah let's go Hacchi and Ai. 

Ai- Yeah let's go now. 

Joker- Hahaha Queen is so slow she can't catch me!

Queen-  Im going to get you! 

*Joker bumps into a crystal* 

Joker- Ouch! 

Spade-  Wait?! That's the crystal! 

Queen- Oh wow it looks more beautiful than i thought!

Joker- Yeah it is.. THAT'S WHY ITS MINE! *Joker tries to get the crystal but he couldn't get it*

Joker- Wait why can't I get it?! 

Queen- Maybe because he can't get it cause the treasure is mine! 

 *Queen tries to get the crystal but she can't get it too* 

Queen- What?! But why can't I get it! 

Spade- Let me try. 

*Spade tries to get the crystal but he can't too* 

*Spade, Queen and Joker tries to get the crystal and they finally get the crystal* 

Joker- Finally! The treasure is mine!

Queen- No its mine!

Spade- Now now its mine! 

Ruko- They are so fast in running! 

Ai- Something doesn't feel right...

Hacchi- I wonder if the myths about this Crystal is true or not.. 

Ai- Yeah it could be true..

Ruko- Hopefully its not true because....

Hacchi, Ai and Ruko- Oh no what if it is true! 

Ai- We have to warn them now before it's to late!! 

Queen- Its mine! 

Joker- No its mine!

Spade- No mine! 

Ruko- No don't touch it at the same time!!

Joker, Queen, Spade- WHAT?! 

*Then there was a  puff of smoke..* 

Ai- *coughs*

Hacchi- Oh no please don't make the myth real...

Queen, Joker and Spade- AHHHHH!!!!

Queen in Joker's body- NOOO!! IM IN JOKER'S BODY!!! 

Joker in Spade's body- EWW NOOO!

Spade in Queen's body- I DON'T WANT TO BE A GIRL!!  

Ai- Oh no...

Ruko- Oh so the myth is real! 

Hacchi- So that's why the people where running out of the museum because they swapped bodies cause they touched the crystal! 

Joker in Spade's body- WAIT WHAT?! 


Ruko- Wait you guys didn't read the myth did you?

Spade in Queen's body- I did but I thought it wouldn't be real! 

Ai- Well it didn't say how to reverse it... 


Ruko- I don't know... But maybe there we can reverse this we just need to go to the ' Ancient Historical Library'. 

Hacchi- Oh yeah! It might be there because it is where all of the ancient meanings of some treasures so hopefully its there. 

Spade in Queen's body- Hopefully its there because I don't want to be in Queen's body! 

Joker in Spade's body- Well i don't want to be in your body! 

Queen in Joker's body- Eww I don't want to be in Joker's body forever! I want to be in my body! 

Kaitou Joker The Christmas Switch.....Where stories live. Discover now