Chapter one

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The day started off like any other, Mason McBride had just woken up, next to him was his girlfriend Kristen Spencer, she'd been staying over at Mason's house quite a lot these days, her and her mom didn't exactly get along and she wasn't too fond of her stepdad either. Mason rolled over to face her, "morning," he said groggily. Kristen opened one of her eyes,
"what time is it?" She yawned.
"About 8:30, we have our appointment today, remember?" It had been exactly five months since Kristen found out she was pregnant. They were both only seventeen but Mason's dad and stepmom had taken them in and offered to help in any way they could. He wished he could say the same about his mom but she practically disowned him the moment she found out. "Remind me again why we made such an early appointment" Kristen laughed getting out of bed.
"Um, because you were so excited about finding out the baby's sex today." Mason explained smiling. Kristen's face immediately lit up as she pushed her long blonde hair out of her face.
"Oh yeah!" She exclaimed. "Sorry Mas, I've been so preoccupied lately I'd completely forgotten about what an important appointment this is." Kristen pouted.
"It's alright, I completely understand. You've been dealing with the drama of the shower." Mason said half smiling. He meant it too, Kristen had been staying up late trying to figure out the details of the baby shower lately and he could tell it was really starting to stress her out. "Well, the appointments at 9:15 so we better leave." Mason said putting on his coat and a beanie to hide his dark, messy hair. He followed Kristen down the stairs where his dad was cooking breakfast.
"Hey kids, want some waffles?" He asked.
"Can't right now dad, we have our appointment." Mason explained.
"That's right! You two better call me and Olivia the second you find out, I'll have the waffles waiting for you when you get back." Mr McBride said cheerfully.
"Oh don't worry Elliot, we will!" Kristen smiled back.

Mason and Kristen sat in the waiting room, "so if it's a boy, what names were you thinking?" Mason asked smiling.
"Maybe Aaron, or Brayden."
"And if it's a girl?"
"I was thinking Gracie, I think it's cute," she answered beaming.
"I think they're all perfect." Mason said sharing in her excitement for the future. Just then, they heard their names being called by the nurse. They walked into the room and Kristen lay down on the bed. "Are you ready hon?" The nurse asked smiling down at her.
"Yeah, I'm a bit nervous though," Kristen smiled shyly.
"You're a new mom, it's normal." The nurse reassured her. She squeezed a glob of cold gel on Kristen's stomach and started rubbing it in with the transducer. "If you look here," the nurse started, pointing to the screen "you can start to see the baby. That's the head, and the body, and here's the arms and legs!"
"Can you tell what the gender is? I read in a book that sometimes they hide so it makes it hard to see." Kristen asked excitedly.
"Oh, I can tell alright, congratulations you two, it's a girl!"

Kristen wiped the gel off of her stomach and pulled her shirt back down.
"Should we call Elliot and Olivia now?"
"Yeah, they're going to be so excited, I didn't want to say anything until we found out for sure but Olivia did hint that she wanted it to be a girl." Mason grinned. He unlocked his phone and went to his favorites, he found his dad's contact and pressed call. It only took two rings before he heard his dad's anxious voice.
"So, what is it?"
"Hi dad, nice to hear from you too. How's your da-"
"Stop it Mason, seriously is it a boy or a girl? Have you decided on a name? Maybe we can go to ikea when you get back and pick out some stuff for the nursery!"
"Dad, dad, slow down... it's a girl, and we've decided on the name Gracie."
"We knew it! Olivia.!" He could hear him yell, "we were right! It is a girl!" He could hear Olivia begging to talk on the other side. Mason put the phone on speaker and there was a slight pause, Olivia's excited voice suddenly projected loudly through the speaker.
"Hello? Mason, Kristen, can you hear me?" She asked.
"Considering you're screaming, yeah, we can hear you fine." Kristen joked.
"Oh, am I screaming? Sorry, I'm just so excited. I knew it was going to be a girl! I've always had a gift for things like this! And Gracie is the cutest name I have ever heard! We are definitely going to ikea and some other stores so you two better hurry up home. Oh, and your mom dropped Brookelyn off a few minutes ago so she can come help too."
"Brookie's staying the weekend?" Kristen asked excitedly.
"She sure is, I was thinking the three of you can do some intense baby shopping this weekend, I know she's really excited about the baby."
"That sounds perfect! Mason and I are leaving now, we'll see you in like twenty minutes, bye!" She hung up the phone and followed Mason to the car.

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