Chapter Two

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A/N As ever, the art doesnt belong to me, but this time to ghwalta on deviantart.

TW: This chapter contains both verbal and physical abuse. An in-text warning will also be given.

It was June 23rd and Dudley's third birthday was winding down. He had received a total of thirty presents from from his parents, Aunt Marge, friends, and cousin, who had given him a drawing of the two playing in the park together. Dudley had been overjoyed and thanked everyone, especially Harry, before all his guests left for home at half past five. Vernon, who had taken the day off work at his wife's request, albeit reluctantly, was sitting in his recliner, waiting for Petunia to finish supper. Dudley and Harry were playing with all of the new games upstairs, both too full of sugar to nap before dinner. Vernon's team had just been awarded a penalty kick when a jarring crash came from the boys' room. Vernon cursed and got up, assuming something had fallen on one or both of the boys and that he'd better check on them.
"What'd you two-" he began when he reached the doorway to the  bedroom. He was cut off by his astonishment at what he was seeing. Dudley was sitting on his new bed, watching in awe as his new toys floated above Harry, slowly circling the room.
Harry was grinning ear-to-ear at the magical happenings above him, oblivious to the chair that had fallen over beside him. His smile dropped off his face rapidly when he turned to the doorway and saw his uncle, near purple with fury and remembrance of the last time he'd experienced magic. The toys clattered to the floor, causing Dudley to frown and look at his father for an explanation. Upon seeing Vernon's complexion, however, he gasped and dove underneath his bed in fear.

~Beginning of Abuse~

Harry tried to follow but his arm caught by Vernon. The two-year-old was yanked back to his formidable uncle's side and back-handed across the face before he could register what was happening.
"YOU LITTLE FREAK!" Vernon bellowed, slapping Harry hard again. "WHAT KIND OF UNNATURAL THING ARE YOU?"
Bawling profusely, Harry could only shake his head and try to back away, only to find he was held fast by his uncle. Vernon threw him to the floor and began to kick the small boy viciously in the ribs, the stomach, the back.
"VERNON!" screamed Petunia, having heard the commotion from the kitchen and rushed to the scene. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She rushed to Harry's aid, snatching him up and quickly, but carefully, laying the long passed out child on the bed before turning back to Vernon, the fury in her eyes different, more controlled than his.
Dudley was now sobbing, confused by the screaming and violence that had appeared on his otherwise joyful day.

~End of Abuse~

Petunia inched closer to her husband, practically hissing her response.
"If you won't have Harry in your house, then you won't have any of us."
Vernon turned white, surprised at his usually docile wife's response. Petunia took advantage of his shell-shocked state and shoved him out of the room, down the stairs, and out of the front door. She dialed 999, stated that she needed an ambulance for her two-year-old and a cop car for her husband, and raced back upstairs. She grabbed two suitcases and shoved the boys' clothes into one suitcase along with their favorite, most treasured toys. She then ran to her and Vernon's room, where she stuffed the second suitcase with her most practical clothing. She took the now-filled cases downstairs to the living room, fearfully glancing at the locked front door, which she could hear Vernon pounding on and screaming at, and filled a third bag with as much food as possible and placing it with the suitcases and her purse. Petunia then hurried back upstairs, where she began to console Dudley and Harry in the lost soothing voice she could. She was extremely relieved when she heard the sirens moments later and knew that they would be ok.

A/N Apologies if anything isn't right in the British-based part. I'm American, so I'm relying solely on Google. Please correct me if anything is wrong! Other reviews, questions, and suggestions are also appreciated greatly!

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