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I'd like to extend my deepest thanks and appreciation to you, the READER, as well as your informed decision after making the choice to read my 1st Novel, a "Fast and Wild Western Revenge Tale" entitled, ' DEATH WHISPERS IN THE WIND '. 

The story takes place and is set around the tail-end of the 19th century, spanning a period of time during the mid to late 1800's.

The harsh, tumultuous and savage days of the 'Wild West' frontier are coming to a close and are slowly fading away into obscurity, so too are the people and places that existed in this particular space and time. The cowboys, pony express riders, criminals, gamblers, prostitutes and lawmen are quickly becoming dying remnants of a bygone era with the impending turn of a new century approaching, the 'Wild West' will be nothing more than a sparse memory.

The narrative plays with a recurring theme of hope, redemption, mortality and the courage of perseverance. My hope is that you're thoroughly engaged as you take the journey within the story and find the characters herein interesting and rewarding. If you're entertained by the end of this novel, then I'll  consider it a huge accomplishment!!

If you feel inclined to comment on a particular chapter, character or backstory, perhaps a critique or compliment on a specific part of the book you enjoyed or feel needs some revision or tinkering? Please feel free to contact me, I welcome any and all comments, good or bad.

Enjoy and Thank You so much!!!

the Author, Dustin Riggs

Contact me
E-MAIL @ dustinriggs528@gmail.com
Subject line: 'Death Whispers In The Wind'

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