Bob's Burgers Part Two

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A while later Bob returned home a short while later as he was utterly exhausted and honestly had nowhere to go as he had no idea where he would hide in the first place.

As soon as he got home he saw Linda and the kids getting ready for something.

"Bobby there you are! Get into a nice suit since we have a faculty meeting at the school."say d Linda as Bob walked into the living room.

"Okay that's all well and good but are we forgetting that for some reason out of all the people they could have chosen I have to fight a God in a one-on-one fight to the death in three days!"exclaimed Bob as he was wondering how his family was not freaking out like he was.

"Oh you and having to fight! Come on Bobby I mean there's no way none of that is true."said Linda in a weird voice.

"You are not a very good liar Linda."said Bob as he noticed that his wife was doing all her usual habits that she did when she was lying.

"Yeah I didn't think that would work kids you know what to do!"Yelled Linda as Gene and Tina grabbed Bob by his arms.

"What the?!"said Bob before a rag was placed over his face by Louise.

A few seconds later Bob passed out as the rag had a bit of chloroform on it.

"Mom how many times do we have to tell you that that wasn't going to work since you are not a good liar."said Louise as she kicked her father a little to see if he was truly knocked out.

"I'm sorry but I honestly thought I was putting up my best face."said Linda in her defense.

"Mom I love you but you are not a good liar."said Gene in his attempt to comfort his mother.

"Come on guys to all have to do this since he's really heavy."said Tina as she grabbed her father by his arms.

The others joined in and grabbed each part of Bob as they began to move him to the car which was not easy since Bob was really heavy and it didn't help that he was basically dead weight.

"Ah what does this man eat!"Yelled Louise who got the easiest job by lifting his head.


A short while later Bob started to wake up after the effects of the chloroform wore off and looked around. As Bob was recovering from his drowsiness he noticed that he was handcuffed to a chair. The next thing he noticed was the fact that he was in the auditorium of his kids school with pretty much everyone he knew in the audience.

"Okay people he's waking up so now let's all try to convince Bob Belcher to fight for humanity in the upcoming tournament of Ragnarok."said the school counselor Mr. Frond.

"What is going on?"asked Bob as he was looking around just as his family walked onto the stage.

"Sorry Bobby but this was the only way to get you here so everyone can talk some sense into you."said Linda in her and the kids defense.

"What is this about?!"

"Basically Mr Belcher your daughter Louise uploaded the video of your conversation with the leader of the Valkyries onto the schools website and now everyone in town knows that you have been chosen to participate in what she refers to in Ragnarok where 13 people must face off against 13 gods in one-on-one combat."said Mr. Frond as he showed Bob the video.


"What it was the ultimate bragging rights! I mean how many kids can say that their father has been chosen by the heavens above to a participate and what is surely going to be the tournament of tournaments!"said Louise as she was justifying her actions.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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