Luna Lovegood x Slytherin Female heir!Reader

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Topic: Luna didn't have a partner for the yule ball, so she sat by herself in the corner, sobbing quietly.


I was strolling around the ball room looking for something entertaining, until I heard a a soft sob.

Being the nosy me, I took a peek to see who was crying. I saw a blonde girl with a purple dress sitting in the corner crying while holding her necklace.

Feeling worried, I walked towards her.

"Are you ok, Madame?" I asked, smiling at her.

She looked at me, with a tears falling down her beautiful blue eyes.

"No" she said, charming me with her dreamy voice.

"And why is that?"

She hesitated at first

"My date pulled a prank on me and telling me how weird I am, while my friend, Hermione, was bragging how beautiful she was and calling me crazy..." She looked down with tears falling more.

I was angry, How could they possibly do that to her.

"May I know your name, Madame?" I said.

"Luna Lovegood, But if you want to laugh at me then call me Looney" She said whipping her tears.

With my thumb and index finger, I lifted her head close to my face.

"Well I don't your weird, I think you are magnificent and Unique, something not any one knows. They're just intimidated by your beauty and power that you hold" She looked relaxed till she frowned.

"How do I know you aren't pranking me, I mean you are the heir of Slytherin." She said, backing away from.

I sighed, living with my surname wasn't easy, especially after what my cousin has done.

I walked away from her then walked towards the stage.

I grabbed the microphone and started talking.


Hello Ladies and gentlemen and They's
I hope you all are having a great time with your partners.
I just wanted to dedicate this waltz to my lovely couple, Luna.


Laughter was heard

"Oh, yeah and out of all the people, the heir of  Slytherin chose the looney. Makes sense an evil snake with a crazy lunatic, a match made from hell." Hermione said making everyone laugh even more.

I only smirked


As I was saying before a cheap muggle who no one loves interrupted me.

Luna Will you dance with me, my Love?


I looked at her extending my arm, she nodded making me smile.


I grabbed my wand, pointed towards me and Luna and with a swift our clothing changed.

Instead of my Green Dress I had a white shirt with a black blazer and black trousers while Luna had a white dress covered with flowers and a crown decorated with flowers and grass.

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