Chapter Five

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Moon's Pov
Okay, okay try not to freak out. My mom always told me that dealing with the gods would never end well. She says trouble always follows those who worship them. I can't believe this entire time I had been talking with a god! And not just any God Apollo.

He wasn't like a bad one that would kill me in my sleep. Though I wouldn't count on Aries or even Hades doing that I had hoped. Meeting his sister was not as frightening as I was expecting, but God's were a lot taller then us that's for sure.

I needed sometime for my thoughts since it has been around two weeks since the visit from the goddess Artemis, but it has been months now with talking with him in what ever this form was.

I thought it would help me to mentally prepare myself for what I would say to Alek when I saw him, though that's not even his real name.

I gripped my pen close dipping it in the ink to scribble down on the new poem sitting at the usual stone alter.

"Stupid men... And their tricks and everything." I muttered a little fluttering my eyes. I could feel that the sun was slowly about to set but I was more appreciative that my mom was no longer sick and getting better everyday. I suppose I can't fully hate him, or be upset when he helped my mother.

I was so into my angry scribbles that the loud squawking and wings flying past me had me yelping so fast knocking over the bottle of ink with one hard knock over.

I cursed under my breath but a hand shot out grabbing it making sure not all the black ink spilled out.

"Careful there Moon." My breath hitched looking into the blue eyes. I stared at him fully seeing him here, all the little prep talks I had given myself had fallen deaf and I blurted out.

"You! What does a god show interest in a human... When does the sun come so close to the moon show me your real form." I stammered scrambling up off the court yard.

I watched how fast his eyes grew wide. Before he was sighing standing up looking slightly nervous his head tilted to one side.

"Was it my sister who came to you then? I told her not speak yet and that I would tell you on my own time. She can be terrible annoying for a twin." A small little scowl appeared across my features.

"Moon you know me okay? I'm not trying to kill you." He slowly approached me almost cautious like. Each step he took was light but, not very fast but not too slow.

"Are you trying to make me into one of your lovers?" I stammered out fast. Everyone knew the stories of Apollo, he was
greatly loved by all mortals and God's alike.

"I actually enjoy being around you, so yes and no." He stammered out but I watched as he ran a hand through his black hair or slowly fading being replaced with long flowing gold locks that looked like they were glowing the pale skin then was a very tan like glow.

He literally was the sun, glowing he was very attractive then what stories had said. "Holy shit." I stammered my eyes staying wide.

He approached me still his hands come into contact with my cheeks cupping at them.

"Moon I would never hurt you, I care for you deeply, I don't know what it is that intrigues me so much about you, I like your laugh, your clumsiness." His statement was followed shortly by a small chuckle my cheeks grew a flame of heat.

"I don't just give my necklace to anyone, you mean something and many more then that." His soft warm hand trails down to cup the necklace his fingers tips tracing my exposed collarbone in my blue dress.

"You care for a simple mortal like me?" I questioned gazing up at him watching his hair blow with the breeze.

"Though you aren't a simple mortal now are you?" He smiled at me.

"Come with me Moon.. I can show you many things, we can be together and learn from one another from human to god." I once more held my breath quite a lot. It was quite tempting to leave behind a life I hated, it was tempting to run off like most girls my age did.

"What about my mom..." I muttered his soft like eyes focused on me before his thumb was tracing at my cheeks.

"Just a quick visit, and I'll have you back down, come spend some time in Olympus, and when it's over I'll bring you back down and you can decide." I stared at him quite confused his arm sliding around my waist him pulling me even more closer to him.

"Hold on to me." He instructed cracking a side smile at me fully. My hands laid flat on his exposed chest holding but my urges of squeaking at the muscle and skin but I questioned to him gently.

"Think about what Apollo...?" I whispered watching him gaze back down at me his forehead slowly leaned onto my own, both of our bodies engraved In this gold like glow as he chuckled, his lips lightly brushed up on mine but didn't fully kiss my own.

"To be my wife Moon and come live on Olympus."

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