kink of the hilg

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Nothing was darker than the stars, the old sage had told .

And he also told Hank Hill that virtue is the best property in a person. And that could be the legendery Chosen One that the prophesies of old and dank and darkness had spoken about.

Oh yes, the Prophecy. That what had made Hank Hill lay awake at nights. Of course The killer aven had asked what was up with .

"Of course," would always say, "there is nothing going on, dear. Go back to sleep." And in their minds they'd fill in "You don't have to worry about the terrible burden I will have to carry for the rest of my life"

Because everyone knows, prophesies have a nasty way of coming true. And this one was about to come true spectacularly.


A little Later, was taking a shit.

He was having trouble though.

It felt like days passed and still no sign of release.

"Help..Errrr... ahhhh! Christ! when is this epic poo gonna pass!?" exclaimed, His face wincing with effort.

He made every effort in his little boy body to expel this demon thing from his womanly back side.

Just as Hank Hill was going in for another push..

Without warning the bathroom door suddenly burst open unexpectedly. Ahhhh!

"Well hello..." a seductive noise whispered from the doorway.

A shadowy person stood leaning against the door frame. His deep, sensual voice which Hank Hill knew immediately. His mind began racing and a nervous sweat began pouring from his face.

"Hank Hill... is that you? wha- what are you still doing awake...?"

He appeared in nothing but a towel, seemingly ready to take a steamy shower.

However He couldn't with near by....they were like family now. was like His father.

Any sane person would never allow their own father to see them in the nude. Right? RIGHT!!?! SHIT!"

"Oh I felt dirty from questing all day...ya ever feel dirty Hank Hill?"

"Y-Yes, I mean NO! NO! NO! Never" shrieked, He became so immensely worked up he cleaned his colon clear of the demon feces that had been clogging it. His voice also cracked like he was 13 again, but in comparison to the loud flatulence he just unleashed, who cares? Hank Hill heard though, and giggled like a adorable baby girl laugh. It sent tingles all up 's spine.

"Oh you've always been the shy one in the family, Hank Hill..."

was not shy, at all. He defeated Kahn and blew up His evil machines for Christ's sake! and now he suddenly found himself speechless. Was He going to see his metaphorical father literally naked? Little did he know, that was merely a sprinkle on the banana split of carnal pleasures that was to come.

"..the shy and excitable one." said finishing the sentence He started earlier.

"Wh-what the..." and before Hank Hill could send the third word out of His mouth..

..Hank Hill's towel dropped to the floor,revealing his swimsuit underneath.

noticed everything on him instantly. His soft butt,his magically gravity-defying middle leg and the large thingy colored birth mark on his butt, which made Him feel He had one there too.

Still, the sight of his near perfect body caused Hank Hill to feel funny in places he had never felt before.

"hehe oh my Hank're more impressive than I thought."

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