Wensday 6:43

20 1 0

Jocelyn: thanks again for the ride harry, I would still be at the school if it weren't  for you, my mum isn't even home.

Harry: any time kitten

Jocelyn: that's not creepy at all

Harry: yeah but ima call you that

Harry: you are now in my phone as 'kitten'

Kitten: you're on mine as 'fuckboy'

Fuckboy: why no change it

Kitten: if you change mine

Kitten: ok I changed yours

Harry: yeah I changed yours too

Kitten: you didn't did you -_-


kitten: woah call your tits

Harry: I bet I have bigger boobies than you kitten

Kitten: ...

Kitten: wtf

Harry: jk

Kitten: you are different

Harry: my friend is obsessed with potatoes

Kitten: and I needed to know that why?

Harry: because that information might save your life one day

Kitten: ok srsly change my name back

Harry: fine fine..

Jocelyn: gtg my mom is home

Harry: alright  bye kitten.

Jocelyn: wait don't go yet harry... I think she's drunk

Jocelyn: you have no idea how scary she is when she's drunk

Jocelyn: harry please help me she's screaming at me about stuff I don't even know

Jocelyn: she's beat me before harry help please please

Harry: I'm on my way, it'll be okay I promise. I'll be there.

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