Chapter 6

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Me: Who is it now?

I open the door to see a little girl that looks like this:

I open the door to see a little girl that looks like this:

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SpaceThing1: I know it is Frisk. Just go with it.

Me: Who are you?

Frisk: My name is frisk.

Me: Nice to meet you Frisk.

SpaceThing1: I'm sorry, its just how I want it. An Aphmau Mystreet book with multiple crossovers.

??????: HOWDY!

Me: Oh no. Here we go again.

Flowey: I'm Flo-wait, NATE!?!

Me: (sarcasm) Nice to see you too Flowey.

Everyone other than me and Flowey: WAIT YOU KNOW HIM!?!

Me: Of course I do. I'd recognize that ugly face anywhere.


Then another portal opens. Out of it comes a man I know very well.


SpaceThing1: YYYEEESSS!!!

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SpaceThing1: YYYEEESSS!!!

Jonesy: Where am I?

Me: In a different dimension.

Jonesy: Who are you?

He aims his Tactical Shotgun (or as Tiko would call it, a tacky wacky) at me.

Me: I am Nate, and this is Aphmau and her friends, Frisk, and my sister, Chara. I literally have no weapons. Maybe. Okay I do, but only grenades and a sniper rifle. And a sword. 

Jonesy then lowers his Tactical Shotgun.

Me: And this flower right here, is Flowey the dumb, talking flower.

Flowey: HEY! 

I pull out my sniper rifle and shoot Flowey.

I miss. Badly.

Flowey: ...Okay. I'm out.

Flowey then goes into the ground.

SpaceThing1: Sorry that this chapter was so short. I will try harder next time. PLZ DON'T HATE ME!

Aphmau Mystreet: Bonds Between Space and Time Book 1: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now