Chapter 03: Mentors Part 2

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Flash Museum 2032...
The Hall of Villians, is true to it's name.
The room is dark, the only lights are from the information boards, the displayed suits and weapons buy the main light comes from the department label.
On the two sides of the room it displays the villians suits. In front of each suit there's secured glass boxes with labelled weapons.
In between each villain there's a meter tall slide board. Underneath where it labels 'The Hall Of Villians' is where The Thinkers chair is displayed.
In this dark room a 11 year old blonde hair girl walks in.
"As a kid, there's was a part of The Flash Museum that always scared me"
The girl slowly walks through The Hall Of Villians scarely looking at the displays.
"I guess its normal for children to be afraid of monsters."
The girl spots one stand at the end of the room.
"But this monster was different."
The girl slowly walks to the stand to find a newspaper article.
"No one knows where he came from, how he got his powers, who he is. All that's known is his alias, and the last sound his victims hear."

"But that's not what makes him scary. What makes him scary is, you never catch him." Laurel explains looking at team Flash.
"We never catch him?" Barry asks with a deep frown and arms crossed.
"Supergirl, Legends, even The League tried, but no one was successful." Laurel replies unfolding her arms.
"Probably cause he can dampen everyone's powers with that magic friggin' dagger." Ralph adds with a haunted look in his eyes.
"Not all superheros are meta-human though. What about-"
"Green Arrow." Laurel interrupts Caitlin.
"Yeah, he tried to once but..." Laurel explains shaking her head.
"So, we're dealing with a meta-human Jack the Ripper. Amazing." Cisco rolls his eyes before resting his head on the back of Iris's chair.
"What else do you know about him?" Irish asks leaning her elbow on the computer table.
"Just that he, he's early." Laurel says her eyes starting to water but not enough to show she's gonna cry.
"What do you mean he's early?" Barry questions his daughter.
"In my history, Cicada's first victim was a meta-human named Floyd Belkin. And he never killed Gridlock or Block. They're completely different victims." Laurel explains.
"Because the timeline changed." Barry adds looking at his future daughter's suit which is still covered in his girlfriends blood.
"Yeah and now they're both dead and mom is injured because of me." Laurel sadly says putting her head down in shame and pain.
"Okay, there's no telling the ripple affect of this change or what kind of future Laurel's gonna return to. We both gotta catch this guy fast." Barry states looking at his team.
"You mean catch the guy that future us can't catch?" Cisco questions which Barry nods his head to.
"Right, I thought beating The Thinker was hard." Cisco puts his head down again.
There's a quiet tension before an alarm notification goes off on a computer informing the team CCPD needs help downtown which Ralph quickly volunteers to do, leaving the Cortex.
"Okay, guys, look, we've got this. Let's just canvas some crime scenes, interview some witnesses, and see if there's any common acquaintances between Gridlock and Block." Iris suggests.
"I'm going to check on mom." Laurel excuses herself, starting to walk out of the Cortex.
"Laurel!" Barry calls out to his daughter.
"Yeah?" Laurel turns around looking at her father.
"You should clean up first."
Barry gestures at Laurel's suit, she looks down realizing what her Dad means.
"Yeah, okay, thanks." Laurel mumbles walking out.

"Laurel?" Sara mumbles opening her eyes to find her daughter tightly holding her hand and leaning on the chair beside her hospital bed.
"Mom" Laurel perks up after hearing her mothers voice.
"Hey, Kiddo" Sara offers a gently smile, shifting in her bed to properly see her daughter only to feel a shot of pain on her stomach and feeling a headache forming, making her groan.
"It's okay, Mom. You have stitches on your shoulder and stomach, you also have a mild concussion." Laurel informs her mother giving a light squeeze to her mothers hand.
Sara nods her head briefly, closing her eyes taking deep breaths.
"Barry?" Sara asks, opening her eyes to look back at her daughter.
"Dads okay, few cuts and bruises but he's okay same as the team." Laurel responds looking at the ground.
"Kiddo?" Sara looks at her daughter noticing her slouched shoulders and defeated look.
"I'm sorry" Laurel mumbles wiping the lone tear that escaped.
"What for?" Sara asks.
"For not saving you." Laurel states looking up at her mother, tears gathering in her eyes.
"For causing this to happen, changing the timeline." tears start rolling down her cheeks.
"What do you mean?" Sara questions looking at her distraught daughter.
"That guy who you were fighting is, Cicada and he's early because I changed the timeline, just to meet my father and now your hurt. I'm so sorry, Mom." Laurel barely gets out the last sentence because a sob escapes her, more tears streaming down her face.
"Laurel, Kiddo, I'm okay, we'll fix this Laurel, don't start blaming yourself now. I've been down that road and it doesn't get you anywhere, I don't want that to happen to you, my daughter, my strong, loving, sassy, caring, beautiful daughter. Whatever changed in the timeline we'll fix it, my injuries will heal and we'll defeat Cicada." Sara let's go of Laurel's hand to gently wipe away the tears on Laurel's face, Laurel look's at her mother in shock hearing what she just called her.
"You called me your daughter?"
Sara gives a small nod and smile not able to hold back a tear that escapes her.
"Your my daughter, I always knew that, it was just hard for me to believe I could be a mother but your my daughter." Sara explains with her whole heart.
Laurel chokes out a laugh filled with happiness, relief and love.
Sara pats the empty space on the bed, indicating to Laurel to lay down beside her.
Laurel doesn't wait a second, immediately jumping out of the chair and carefully cuddling to her mothers side. 

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