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Dragon Changers are rare. Born only to normal dragon parents, the reasons that they can willingly shift from dragon to human is unknown. Being able to endlessly go back and forth between forms makes Dragon Changers dangerous. Think about it, a dragon who can walk into the middle of town as a human and then suddenly shift back could cause massive damage. And therefore they hold massive power.

Both dragons and humans hate Dragon Changers and have been hunting them for centuries. It is not easy to find them, for they hide well. Only wizards, dragons, and elves can tell who a Dragon Changer is without being told or shown. But none the less, they are a dying breed even though they have dragon life span, killed along with their dragon families.

I am one of the last Dragon Changers - the last, as far as I know. My name is Violet. Just Violet. I've been in hiding for years. Only one person alive knows what I am. My dear friend, Gandalf the Grey. No one else knows for I have kept to my human form for years. That is the power of the Dragon Changers, we can keep one form for years and still change back with no problem.

Although I keep to my human form, which is that of a sixteen year old girl, I am a hermit, a recluse. So when Gandalf showed up at my door step, offering an adventure, I jumped at the chance. Little did I know that the adventure involves killing someone very close to me. Smaug the Terrible, my father.

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