Journey to the Hobbit Hole

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Curse you Gandalf, I thought. When he appeared at my door the other day, claiming to have an adventure for me to take part in, hiking through Hobbiton did not cross my mind. It was harder than you'd think and I kept getting looks for my height. I was only sixteen in dragon years and not very tall in my human form. Yet I was a good head higher than any hobbit here.

On constant alert for the mark, I trudged through the roads of Hobbiton. Looking ahead, I saw a figure on the same road as me, too tall and wide to be a Hobbit. Narrowing my eyes, I struggled to catch up to the rapidly moving figure. Gandalf had said there would be dwarves on this quest and I hoped that this was one of them.

Finally I caught up to the figure. I tapped on their shoulder and waited for them to look at my. When they did, I saw a dwarf with dark brown hair and a beard. Ice blue eyes met mine, full of irritation.

"What?" he snapped. Narrowing my eyes even more, I growled.

"No need to be annoyed, master dwarf. I only wanted to introduce myself. I presume you are going on this quest too?" I inquired.

"How do you know of my quest?" he asked. And none to nicely, I might add.

Offering my hand from under my cloak, I replied, "I am a friend of Gandalf's and he asked me to join you on this particular adventure."

"So you are the friend Gandalf mentioned." His eyes narrowed and he ignored my hand. "He did not tell me you were a girl."

I put my hand back under my cloak. "Why don't we just walk in silence," I suggested. So we did. A few minutes later, we found the door with the mark Gandalf had so obviously made. The dwarf walked up to the door while I waited behind him. He knocked three times, fairly loud. The sounds of partying that rioted around just moments before ceased.

The door opened and the dwarf stepped inside, with me following close behind. "Gandalf," the dwarf said roughly. "I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way, twice."

Rather rude, this dwarf, I thought. He took off his cloak and handed his weapons to a nearby dwarf. I only took off my cloak. My sword never left my side, I even wore it while I slept.

"I wouldn't have found it at all if it wasn't for that mark on the door," the dwarf continued. Gandalf nodded his head at me as a hobbit, the one who owned this house I presume, stepped forward at the dwarf's words.

"There's no mark on that door," he exclaimed. "It was painted a week ago."

Gandalf hastily closed the door and explained "There is a mark, I put it there myself." He drew a deep breath and then continued. "Bilbo Baggins, allow me to introduce the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield." He was about to stop but continued upon my glare. "And my dear friend Violet who will be accompanying us on this quest."

While most of the dwarves turned to me, Thorin turned to Bilbo and said "So, this is the hobbit. Tell me Mr. Baggins, have you done much fighting. Or you Violet." He eyed the sword on my belt.

While Bilbo stuttered, trying to find a response, I simply said yes. "Axe or sword?" was his next question.

Again, I chose the short response. "Sword."

Again, Bilbo decided to say something stupid. "Well, I do have some skill at conkers, if you must know. But I fail to see how that's relevant."

At my word, the dwarves nodded in approval. At Bilbo's, they simply scoffed. "Thought as much," Thorin said. "He looks more like a grocer than a burglar." Then, at Thorin's, all the dwarves laughed. Why is it that he gets the best reception?

As we all prepared to move into the next room, I grabbed Gandalf's arm and said "Did you tell them? Did you tell them what I am?"

He replied with "You are still alive, are you not?" Then he walked away into the next room, my eyes burning holes in his back.

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