Part 1

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This is lies a story based off of me and my friends

Amy's pov:

"Hey ethan, do you wanna hang out with me during lunch?" I saw that they had a new table in the cafeteria. He looked at me and shook his head violently and walked off. "Rude much". "Hey amy what are you doing?" oh great its Sarah, the girl looked at me up and down and then punched me in the face. This was a normal occurrence for me, one time spilling milk on me, next was mocking me then hitting me. I just wanted to go and smack her, but I knew I couldn't because she was the principal's daughter.

The hate I had for Sarah was so bad that it could kill a person. Not being i wanted to but still, she was such a brat and got whatever she wanted. I hated her so much but today was not my day because a bunch of people looked and saw she punched me and did nothing.

I yelled for help but they turned on me and laughed. I got up and walked away with tears strolling down my face as I wished for a better excuse for not going to lunch with my best friend. The pain was so much but I stuck through the day, when I got home I asked if i could sleep for a while.

My parents are divorced, I live with my dad and my two twin brothers. My mom is a bitch for cheating on my dad with some rando she met at the bar. My dad is an awesome man who cares for me and my brothers, he may not be rich but we still live with what we got.

As the time flew, I started to think of ways to stop the pain. My youngest brother Zack came in and sat by me, he knew what was going on at school because one of his friends goes to the same school as me. My other brother Corey walks in to tell us dinner is ready, i tell him i'm not hungry anyways.

I sat there in silence as I stared out my window, it was so pretty to see the stars out. The sky was a greyish color, with a mix of a dark blue. I didn't eat that night but hey the sky was pretty.

That was the end of the first chapter. I hope you all liked it. I know that I haven't posted in my books. I have been wrapped up in some family and friend issues and yeah but anyways be the same and i love you all!!

also # of words: 455

From your still tired writer ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ chris 

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