Chapter Three

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Breakfast was extremely quiet for the past few mornings, and surprisingly, Bowser was also

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Breakfast was extremely quiet for the past few mornings, and surprisingly, Bowser was also.

He's been excusing himself from everything very often, perhaps it was to hide his tears and sadness from everyone else. Though, it was obvious to everyone, since he had tears in his eyes everytime he would excuse himself.

Despite this villainous behaviour, it was hard not to feel horrible for him. After all, seeing your son, or loved one, die right in front of you would be quite the traumatizing experience.

Not only that, but Cryptic had the guts to kill off a child so simply, horrifying everyone. If that doesn't prove how evil he is, then nothing will.

Killing off innocent children so simply…Mario couldn't imagine someone doing that, not even Bowser. Especially not so cruelly, like forcing everyone to watch as a child drowned, helplessly.

At the moment, it was day ten of being stuck in the Castle of Despair, as what Cryptic called it. It didn't seem like a castle, only a large building that seemed like some sort of hotel. Everyone only had access to the first floor though, which was filled with a bunch of unnecessary rooms. Mario wonders what secrets Cryptic could be hiding.

The room was much quieter than where it began. A few whispers could be heard here and there, but since the group shrunk, it was so quiet that a pin could be heard dropping.

Smoke could be heard from the other side of the cafeteria room, and when Mario glanced over to see what was going on, he was not fazed to see Cryptic appearing on the other side of the room, his expression seeming as if he was hiding a giggle.

"Geez!" He exclaimed. "You guys are SUCH the downers! I literally didn't hear any of you speak since the morning announcement!"

There was no response from anyone at first, until Daisy spoke up, seeming infuriated. "Are you fucking serious? We just watched a child die right in front of us, and you expect us to be all happy, sunshine and rainbows about it? Are you a psychopath?!"

"Oh, come on," the koopa sighed. "You must have seen worse things, princess. Don't you guys execute people all the time? Like, as punishments?"

"N-No…" Peach whispered. "And even if we did, it wouldn't be so…s-so horribly…"

Cryptic rolled his eyes. "Oh, please. You guys cause this to yourselves, ya know! I'm not doing anything to force this upon you."

Mario raised an eyebrow. "The whole purpose we're here is because of you…you give us the motives, and you're keeping us trapped in here while making us do some crazy thing…"

"Okay, smarty," Cryptic shook his head. "I'm not actually going up to people and hanging them on shelves, or clawing them, or doing whatever you guys got in mind. The motives are just a push to keep you all going!"

The room stayed silent for a moment before he laughed. "Well, anyway! I hope you all know what time it is, because it's time to reveal what the next motive is gonna be!"

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