Toxic Cycle

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Summary: he meant the world to her, no matter how many times he broke her heart. she was always there by his side, he cared about himself and she cared about him, and only him.

        Pansy and daphne we're heading back to their dorm room, it was still dinner time but pansy wasn't in the mood. Daphne had been asking her what was wrong but all pansy would say was "it's nothing" After they got there, pansy took off her shoes and lay on her bed. Daphne sat near her as she removed some hair from her face, revealing tears falling down her cheek. Her friend sigh as he went over to her, giving her a hug. All pansy could do was sob on her friend shoulder,

-" What did he do now..?" Daphne said as she rubs pansy's back gently, pansy kept sobbing. She wasn't a crier, or at least that's what the other thought.
She acted like a plastic doll who had no feelings but when doors were closed, she was a different person. Only a few people saw her in this state, one of them would be her best friend, daphne.

-" The same as always," She said with a smile, as she wiped her tears away. "Nothing new, just the same bullshit." her friend shook her head as she helps her friend clean up the tears away. Pansy's smile faded away, why did she cry if she knew it would happen again? Why cry when he would just tell her what she wanted to hear and forgive him for late him do it again?

-" come, let's get you fixed up before the other see you.." Pansy nodded.


After dinner was over the student headed back to their common rooms, it was a chilly night so most of the Slytherin gather around the fireplace while some went to their dorm rooms. Pansy and Daphne walked to where their group was at. It was at that moment Daphne was able to catch sitting down on his "thrown" while his two idiots, Crabbe and Goyle stayed on his left and right side. Draco had glanced her over as Daphne pushed pansy away.

-" let's go over here." getting some chair near the fireplace as they chatted, it wasn't long before everyone was gasping at something- or someone...

Pansy and Daphne looked to see what was all the commotion when they're eyes widen. Right on Draco's lap was another girl, pansy saw as they both started to make out in front of the students. Some cheered while others smiled or laughed, Pansy teasers started to appear..even more, when she caught Draco staring at her, with a stupid smirk of pleasure. Pansy of course couldn't handle it. But she didn't run away like a child, no she started here watching.

It seems liked Blaise was the one to catch pansy distress when he finally broke the amusement.

-" Alright everyone, let's go now, hurry!" they boo but everyone started to leave to their beds, daphne got up and waited for Pansy. Pansy bit her lip and sigh, -" you can go.. I... have to do something important" Daphne nodded as she walked away with Blaise, Draco and his "play toy" were about to leave when Pansy grabbed Draco arm, -" you, I talk. Now" he rolled his eyes but stayed, As they were completely alone Draco sigh and looked at her waiting for her to talk. -" What is it flowe-" -" I'm done." -" What?!" he kept looking at her as if waiting for her to say I'm joking or something. -" pansy we were over this already-" -" and you lied, again." He tried to speak, he didn't know what to say, he must have used all his words already. Pansy shook her head as she walked off but Draco pulled her back capturing her lips. Pansy's eyes widen, she tried to push him away, escaping from his grist. But nothing was working, her tears were falling down she wanted to kick him, puns him anything! Why did he play her like this! Why!? Before long pansy kissed back. She pushed away from her thoughts, plans everything, and melted into his touch. He opens his eyes to see pansy had fallen into his trap again, he smirks as he pulls away. -" I love you pansy Parkinson, no one else. The only flower I would pick." She nodded as she hugged him, -" I-I just... why can't we just tell everyone that we're together Draco? Why... Why do you do this to me again, you promised and you broke them again, and again and again!-" -" Hush my dear, you'll wake the others-" -" LET THEM HEAR ME! I'm done seeing you flirt with other girls, I'm done being your dirty secret I want to be your girl!- Your flower!" She cried harder, he looked to the sigh, annoyed. He tried to calm her, -" You are my flower!-" -" no I'm not...and I'll never be." her eyes begging for him to just say, alright I'll stop and we'll tell the whole world that you're my girl- my only girl! But it never happened...

-" I promise you that we'll tell them flower" -" for how long do I have to wait now...?" -" soon"

The same answer as always she thought to herself, he had kissed her good-night and had walked away to his common room while pansy was left alone.

-" soon," she told herself as she sat on the couch sobbing and cursing herself for not breaking the cycle...

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