Toxic Cycle part: 2

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Summary: "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best if things, no good thing ever dies." -Andy Dufresne. 





Some days had passed, pansy was walking through the hallway alone. It was a big quidditch game today which was mostly why she was walking alone and not with her gang. She didn't want to go for two reasons, first Draco Malfoy and second Draco malfoy. Simple, that's why Daphne didn't push her to go. After what happened that night he hasn't spoken to her since. She didn't care, it was nice not to worry about him. So, why did she find herself walking to the quidditch game? 

Who knows, She made it to the benches and sat down in the Slytherin bench as she saw the game start. From what she knew Draco was playing, was that why she came? how knows, She didn't pay much attention to her thoughts and tried to enjoy the game. Of course, it was Gryffindor vs Slytherin which harry potter would be playing. -"This should be interesting..-" 

-"Hey! pansy, there you are," Daphne said as walked by with her boyfriend, -" I thought you said you had a test to prepared for, did you finish early?" Pansy shook her head, -" Idk maybe I wanted to enjoy myself for a bit." Daphne smiled as she sat down next to her, As the game proceeded pansy was so caught up with daphne that she didn't see it happen until she hears the crowd gasp. they both turn to see Draco was on the floor, 

at that moment pansy felt her heart drop, she got up as fast as she could, eyes widen with fear. -"Draco...-DRACO!" She yelled as she went over there, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle had also walked over to see. Madam Hooch and Madam Pomfrey were with Draco, -"He's unconscious from the fall, we must take him so I can help his injuries!" Madam Hooch noded

Pansy POV 

The game was called off afterward, everyone started to head back. harry had got off his broom and walked over to see if Draco was alright, Snape was scolding him while Granger and Weasley tried to defend him. I didn't give two shits what happen, I just wanted him to be alright, I had followed madam Pomfrey and hagrid as they took Draco. I didn't want to leave if side, I waited outside for them to finish. Daphne and Blaise were finally here, -"any new!?" I shook my head, -"not yet..-" Just then The golden trio were also here, 

-"how's Draco," Harry asked, -" I-I don't know, there checking him at this moment". Blaise looked at Harry as if he was about to punch him. -"You did this, didn't you!-" -"NO! it wasn't my fault!" Daphne and Ganger stayed in front of the boys before they did something stupid. There bickering was annoying me already. -" YES it's was!-" -"WOULD YOU SHUT IT! no one cares who started it what matters now is that he's OK!" They stay silent, I sigh, they like children sometimes. 

Just then the door had open up to find hagrid walking out, -" H-how is he..." I ask quietly. Hagrid sighs and looks down. -" I'm afraid the impact of the fall really affected Draco. we can't wake him up without hurting him. So Madam Pomfrey placed him in a spell to help him heal. it might take weeks for this process.." no one said anything, what else was there to say?? 

At that point, the golden trio was talking to him while Blaise, Daphne, and I looked at each other. -" I'm gonna tell the others about this..." Blaise says, we noded as he walked away. Daphne's boyfriend had walked by which I told daphne to go over with him. that I would stay with Draco,  I walked in to see Draco laying on the bed. he had he injures clean up. this made me cry, he looked in pain...

I sat down on the chair and just stayed there, I looked at his hand, I wanted to hold it but control myself not to. I turn to see the window and watch the birds fly by...

-" Plz...heal my love.." 


Daphne POV 

Two weeks had passed by so quickly after Draco accident. I'll be honest I don't know why pansy taking care of him. If I were her I would have this chance and moved on. I mean there so many hot guys that are dying to go out with her! but.. I know he loves him, I can't deny that. Either way, I'm heading to the nurse's office to give pansy some food. She hasn't eaten or rested for days. I had to drag her away!

As I head there I see pansy in the same position every day. She looked at me as I show her the delivery. -" Has his parents came yet?" She shook her head, -"not yet.." I nod and handle the food. She smiled and takes it, -"any news?" She once again shook her head. I sigh as I looked at Draco, he seems to be going better every day. -"Are you gonna go to Diagon alley with us?" She took a second to respond but she shook her head. -"Alright...well I'm gonna go with the others. if you change your mind wellhead to the coffee shop." 

No matter what, pansy gonna stay by his side. He's so fucking lucky to have her. If only he appreciated it...


Pansy was also falling asleep, he looked at Draco and then at the window, -" maybe I should go have fun... either way Draco gonna wake up and nothing gonna change. She was about to get up when the door slam open to hide that S L U T coming in. For a second I didn't realize who she was until I hear her annoying voice. -"Omg! where's my Draco!?" Pansy rolled her eyes as she sat back down, -" Draco right here." she says annoyed. She ignored me and walked over to him, -" My poor daddy!" Pansy tried not to say anything, she bit her lip as the blond-haired girl went over to him holding his hand. 

Pansy glared at her, -"Don't touch him." She looked at pansy in disgust, -"how about you leave." She smiled. pansy laughed, -"Leave!-" -"You can't tell me what do to! I'm his lover!" -"well I'm HIS!-.....his..." Pansy looked down, the other girl laughed at her, she was right she was nothing to Draco.  

Tiffany laughed more, -"how about you leave before you embarrass yourself more sweetie." Pansy kept looking down. She got up from the chair and was about to leave when she left someone holding her hand. She looked down to see Draco was awake and holding her hand. 

-"!? Draco you're awake! I was so worried for you-I stayed by your side the whole time baby-" -" Tiffany- shut the fuck up would ya?" tiffany looked shocked, -"but baby!-" -"Shut up!." Tiffany got frustrated and walked off. Pansy looked at her leave, she was stun and looked at Draco. -"for how long were you awake??" She asked him, he shrugged and looked to the side, -"for an hour already? IDK I was distracted seeing your beaut in the sunlight" he said with a smirk. Pansy smiled and walked closer to him still holding hands. 

-"hey...pansy-" the door open, they both looked to see Draco's parents had entered. -"Draco! your awake" -"Thank merlin!" Mrs. Malfoy walked closer to his son, while his father stayed near the bed. -"Oh! why hello my dear, you must be Draco friend." Pansy was about to say something but Draco spoke. -"Actually mother... She's my girlfriend" 

Pansy's eyes widen, as she looked at him, who just smiled at her, -"oh.. how amazing!" -" an excellent choice son." and that how it happens, they stayed for a while, making sure Draco was ok informing him of some events, and headed out. Pansy smiled and looked at Draco, -"girlfriend?...." -"hm?" -"you called me your girlfriend..." -"well yes, you're my girlfriend... as I was falling.. I imagine my world flashing by- our world pansy, The things I would never get to tell you...I've been an idiot. and I'm sorry...." pansy looked at him, examing him closely, Draco looked to the side...

She smiled as she kissed his cheek, -"I love you..." she said with a big smile, which can outshine anything. Draco looked at her; she was stunning Draco got up and capture her lips.....

The End.

lol horrible writing, been stress with the final but! I wanted to do this:D request are welcome. thank you and have a great morning-your an early bired-^^-/ day-:)/night- sweet dreams/afternoon- hi/very late- what are you doing go to sleep!>:^

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