Tagged and small A/N

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Ok ya, I was tagged, so here we go.

1. Do you care what people think about you? Honestly, for me, I have a problem with self-confidence so I think everyone hates me. So I don't really care about what they think because I think they already hate me. So for friends and such, it is more that they changed my mind on if they hate me or not.

2. Middle Name? My middle name is Kay.

3. Favorite sport? To do it would be swimming. To watch it would probably be hockey.

4. Someone you can't live without? My family, I mean I am not a very social person so I am always questioning my friendships so I feel like with family I don't have to stress as much.

5. Best friend? Either my two IRL friends or my dog.

6. Nickname? Lilly, Lill, Nobody, and an introverted friend. Yes, I have been referred to as the last one multiple times.

7. Are you more cute or sexy? Hell if I know. I personally think I am not good looking at all but that is just my opinion, so ya hell if I know.

8. Preferred pronouns? Well, I identify as a girl but I am fine with any pronouns I have no preference for them.

9. Has anyone asked you out? Nope, I have been single since the day I was born. Plus most people that know of me are scared of me so ya no chance of that ever happening.

10. Three pet peeves? Number one, the little dots of the corner of apps drive me insane. The only reason I keep them is that it makes sure I check my notifications. Number two, people who ask me to do something when they have the time and availability to do it more easily than it would take me. Like of my dad asks me to get out a pan from a cabinet when he is standing next to the god damn cabinet and even opened it up to show me where the fucking pan is! God, it drives me insane! Number three, when people drag me into a drama because I am the only rational person they know and so they slam me smack dab in the middle of the drama and expect me to fix everything. Listen, people, I don't give a shit about it so leave me out of it, please.

11. Do you believe in soulmates? The thing about soulmates is that I believe there is someone out there in this world that is meant to stick by your side for life whether platonic or romantic. I believe there is someone for you I just don't think there is a sign to know that you found them. So in short yes I do believe in them in some kinda way.

12. Are you emotional? See I have the problem where I lock up all emotions and then something breaks the walls I built and I break apart and I am just a mess. So typically I am not emotional but I do have the moments where I just break apart and just am destroyed for a while.

13. Words you say often? Mhm, sorry, dang, why, fuck, shit, and please. I cuss a lot sorry.

14. Picture of yourself? This is me and then two drawings that some amazing people drew of my persona. Like seriously these two are some of the best and kindest people I have ever had the pleasure to talk to online. The first one is by Tumblr @ shortiicake and the second one is by Twitter @ SleepyHunt so many thanks to them.

 The first one is by Tumblr @ shortiicake and the second one is by Twitter @ SleepyHunt so many thanks to them

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15. Favorite picture of someone else? Hmm, I mostly just save amazing Technofnart but here is one of my favorite ones of him in Minecraft. Plus it was the one I found first lol.

 Plus it was the one I found first lol

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16. Tage 20? I am not big on sharing things like this with others since when I do it for text things people usually just say stop and that it is annoying. So I stopped sharing question things with others since most seem to find it annoying. So I will not be doing this one sorry.

Ok now for the author's note. First off I want to address that I am 100% not dropping this story. I will continue to write it the updates might just be very slow because of stress. I have been incredibly stressed with school lately because well let's just sat online learning is not my cup of tea. Plus what the hell is up with my Chemistry teacher that assigns five worksheets a night. Like what the fuck lady I want to be happy sorry that doesn't fit in your vocabulary!

Second, the next chapter hopefully will be out by the end of the year as I have finally figured a way to get out of the plot hole the size of a crater on the moon. Ya, hopefully, it will be out by then. I would just publish the part of the chapter that I have now but I feel like it is too unfinished and that it hasn't done enough yet in the 3000 ish words that are in there already. So ya the next chapter will probably be one of the longest ones of the book just so that I do not have to have a fourth part of the backstory.

Third and finally, I want to thank you all so god damn much. Not only for your patience but also for all the love and support that this story has brought into my life. Somedays honestly I can see that someone has commented or voted and it just fills me with joy and brightens the rest of the day for me. I seriously love you all so much and I can not believe how much this story is growing. I mean at this point I am around 8.5k reads which are insanely amazing. I am extremely grateful to you all and from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for reading and I hope you all have an amazing day, night, week, and month where ever you are in the world.

With much love, Lilly

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