Chapter 11

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Gabriella's POV
Today, during Geometry class Grayson & I did the usual. We flirted & stared at each-other.
We are doing really good so far except the fact that he hasn't officially asked me to be his girlfriend but I think we're getting there.

After Geometry class, I was on my way out & I looked at Grayson so we can walk together to lunch.
"You coming?"
"Yeah, but I need to get some notes really quick." He said.
"Okay, I'm going to my locker really quick. I'll be back."
He nodded & smiled.
His smile gave me a feeling like no other.

Grayson's POV
I stood after class to finish copying some notes.
Then I felt someone grab my shoulder.
I turned around & it was my friend Steve.
Steve is an old friend that I stopped talking to because he got me in more trouble than I needed. Also because of Gabriella.
"Hey, G." He said.
"Hey, man."
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Just copying this shit down."
"Wow, Grayson Dolan actually taking notes. I don't think I've even seen you hold a pen."
We laughed.
"So how's everything? Been busy?" He asked.
"Yeah, I guess."
"Yeah. 'Busy' with that chick?"
"Yeah." He said as he smirked.
I knew what he was trying to say.
I didn't reply.
"Ah! C'mon, Gray! Don't tell me you've finally settled to one girl?"
I obviously love Gabriella with all my heart but I knew I had to keep my image still. I felt awful, but I knew I had to lie to keep my image clean.

Gabriella's POV
As I walked back to the classroom I looked inside & I saw Grayson talking to a guy.
I over heard their conversation.
"Ah! C'mon, Gray! Don't tell me you've finally settled to one girl?"
He was quiet for a second.
"Nah! Who do you think I am? I'm just fooling around for a bit."
"That's my boy! You did business with her?"
"We're getting there. But she don't mean shit so it's whatever. You already know."
I knew they were talking about me.
I was upset that all I was to Grayson is just a joke.
I walked in the classroom & said,
"So I'm just business? I don't mean shit?"
Grayson quickly turned around.
My eyes teared. I wasn't sad, I was mad.
"Gaby." Grayson said.
"Well, shit." Steve said as he walked out.
I looked at Grayson.
"I should have known." I said & walked out.
"No, Gaby!" He said as he ran out.
He catched up to me in the hall & grabbed my hand.
"No! Leave me alone!"
"I didn't mean that."
"Don't touch me!!!"
He looked at me.
"Gaby, please."
"No, Grayson. Just don't ever talk to me again." I said as I walked away.
I cried silently as I did.


Uh oh! Looks like there's trouble in paradise for these two love birds. Let's see how Grayson will get himself outta this one.

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