First day of school!!!!!

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My mom pulls up to the school parking lot.
"Bye honey I love you so so much don't do any drugs" she smiles and drives away.
I'm so nervous, I don't fit in with these people.
They're all so much richer than me and this starts to sink in as I gaze at the extravagant basically a palace high school that my middle-class parents somehow managed to afford.

They're going to think I'm nothing more than the dirt under their shoes, I duck my head and brush my hair over my face hoping no one will notice me.

"Hey loser"

A blond gorgeous cheerleader walks up to me hand on her hip and a Starbucks cup in her hand, "You're so ugly you belong in the trash. I bet your mom's a hooker so you can afford to come to school here with the rich kids. We're better than you."

Clearly, I offended her with my existence because she hates me for literally no reason but her words puncture me and deflate my ego like nothing else.

I cry and run away rushing into the nearest closet I can find as I brush away my tears in earnest.

But, someone else is in the closet too.

I see a girl wearing a unicorn vest and striped tights looking back at me.

"I'm Lillian," she says "I hide in the closet because Victoria bullies me all the time"

Someone else who was different. Just like me. We're going to be best friends.

"I just got bullied too, I wonder why she hates me so much."

Lillian looks at me like I'm stupid.

"You're beautiful. She's obviously jealous you're going to steal away her hot on and off again one-sided love interest Randy."

Randy sounds hot. But I have no chance with him because I'm a nobody.

"I'm literally so ugly. My blond straight hair and sparkling blue eyes and disgusting pouty lips are nothing to be jealous of. She probably just hates me because she knows I don't belong here."

She doesn't comment just stands up, "I'm gay so I'm going to skip class and listen to emo music while getting ready for my theatre rehearsal."

Ok, I say as she walks out of the closet and I feel better because I know we're going to be best friends for life.

Walking out of the closet, I run into the most beautiful boy I've ever seen in my life.

"Hey hot stuff," he smirks at me.

He's so dominant he just smells of other girls but I'm a virgin with no experience so I feel inferior and lesser than him. I can never be with him.

I squeak and run away because my voice box decided to just completely stop functioning around some random dude in the hallway. I must have flipped the off switch on accident or something.

"Hey you never gave me your name!" he yelled at me as I sprinted down the hallway towards nowhere because I was new and didn't know where any of my classes were.

I start crying and swerve left running into a locker and bumping my head.

"Are you ok?"

An easy-going attractive kid looks at me a blush forming on his cheeks.

"I'm ok, today's been really stressful"

"Well, if you ever wanna go out for coffee let me know." He's cute and he's actually being nice to me he asked me out on a date but there's no way he could be romantically interested in me at all he seems like such a great nice friend.

He rubs his neck awkwardly, "You're really pretty"

I jump up and hug him tight "Omg we're going to be the best of friends I can already tell"

His face falls for some reason I don't know why and I skip down the hall magically finding my classroom without ever having asked someone.

I walk in and the hot guy I ran into earlier is there.

Oh my gosh, the only available seat is the one right next to him.

I blush widely and my legs stop working and turn into jelly so I trip collapse onto the floor next to his desk, "are you okay?" he asks frantically. His concern shining in his eyes like the new moon.

I swoon and take in his rugged appearance. I'm not sure why he's even talking to me because he's so attractive and I watch as he leans over to pick up my books for me.
I've never felt this way before, what's happening to me. Am I in love?

I finally sit down and he sits down next to me, arm brushing against mine.

"So what's your name?" I ask

He gives me a bewildered look. "You don't know who I am?"

I shake my head.

He smiles at me, "Wow, you're different. I can't believe you don't know me. I'm Randy Buffer and I'm the quarterback on the football team. I thought everyone here knew who I was."

I blush again, my face red as a spoiled tomato, "I'm sorry I didn't. I'm Hagatha Miller."

"Wow, he looks at me, such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

My face cools down because it can't physically do anymore blushing so it starts going in the opposite direction.

We start doing the classwork and even though he's super muscular and attractive and is on the football team, he's also the smartest person in the school. He's so much different than who I would have pegged him for at first.

Class ends and I walk out with a smile on my face until Victoria dumps her milkshake on me as I'm walking out.

"In case you weren't able to afford your own!"

The whole school forms a circle around me and starts laughing and I'm so embarrassed why did this have to happen to me!

The easy-going kid from earlier rushes me out of the circle and wipes the milkshake off my face, "don't worry about them. Victoria's actually really stupid and everyone loves her because she's rich"

This makes me feel better until I notice Randy glaring at me and the shy kid. I wonder why.

Shy kid walks me home, somehow knowing where my house is, and then at the doorstep leans in to kiss me.


I scream wildly

"What are you doing? I thought you just wanted to be friends?"

"I just want to be with you, I have really strong feelings for you."

"I'm sorry I don't feel the same way, there's someone else", then I step into my house and cry before slamming the door in his face. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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