Branding you ..

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Continuing from previous part:-

As the sun rose Zoya getting more impatient to go her home . Yeah home it's ironic but being a orphan she has a home in this big city .
After the hot make out session she thought Aditya might doze off but no he drink some more whiskey and again they make out till 4 in morning , he let her and himself sleep for hardly 2-3 hours only but sleep is far away from Zoya as her mind again and again going towards her family.  Now it's 9 in morning and she is ready to leave this club  , she wear her dress open door to go out of this room but see two built up guys like Aditya standing well waiting for her  confused she take her steps back in room asking Aditya  ' why your men blocking the way outside what's with them ?'

Aditya wear his coat say  ' they aren't blocking your way instead they are waiting for you so that you can go to your home. They'll accompany you and make sure you come back to me safely' .

She frown hearing it and say crossing her hands in front of her chest ' I'm capable to protect myself you're goons not needed for that work besides I told you last night that I'll come to your house don't you have any trust on my words ?'

Aditya take a step towards her and now standing just one inch apart from her , he touch her chin rubbing it softly say ' I don't even trust my own shadow and we mat just last night how can I trust your words fully huh and about my "goons" they'll stay with you only to ensure that police or your last night enemy what's his name ummm—(try to remember) whatever that roach won't follow you. I care about things which I like and the things I like I own their responsibility so stop arguing with me and if you want to pack up some off your stuff then go or else I can arrange new stuff for you choice is yours' he gave her some money and arch his eyebrow asking her decision.

Zoya has no choice cause she has to meet her family so she silently take the money from him and turn to go with his men ., Aditya look at her retiring figure and took out his phone calling someone..

Zoya sat in a black SUV to leave for her home obviously irritated by the fact that she has to handle his goons from now on huh what a suspicious guy this Aditya is . They ask her about her address and she told them about Dharavi area where she leaves , they reach to her basti where she told them to Rishi ask her ' so which one is your kholi ?'

She look through them for a minute and say '16 —number 16 one that's my kholi' .

He look at her and ask ' do you live with your family—-' but she cuts him off saying ' I live alone actually I'm an orphan so from the age of 17 I'm living her on my own' .

She wants to punch him in face as he's asking so many questions irritating her more but she control herself and notice an wedding crowd entering in basti which makes her plan perfect so she hurriedly exit the car walking towards basti saying to Rishi and Jess ' I'm coming back in 25 minutes okay' and she start walking .

Rishi too step out of the car following her silently but she intentionally enter in crowd to confuse Rishi and he got puzzled seeing the crowd he try to find her in crowd but couldn't spot her so he wait near car for her .

Zoya smirk and go into the narrow ally attached with basti going into an old apartment building , She go on third floor to house number 26 knocking on door a five year old girl open it and seeing her shouts in excitement 'mama' .  Zoya smile seeing her and lift her in arms lovingly..

Zoya come out of the building leaving her family behind , she's holding a small suitcase in her hand which has papers of Zain's case and some other important papers she kept the money aside for case now she just have to figure out how to meet him in jail specially under the watch of Aditya ?  She has to do something to gain his trust so that he'll allowed her to go out without his men trailing behind her  as if god heard her one officer ask her  ' hey I saw you with Aditya last night you know him ?' 

Zoya coming towards the car where Rishi and Jess waiting for her . Rishi saw her and ready to go towards her but he notice officer behind her who is looking at Rishi suspiciously ,  Zoya signalled Rishi to go from here and she'll handle this officer.
She sit in police jeep and went with officer leaving Rishi and Jess all confused...

Aditya slam his hand on table in anger hearing Rishi and say  ' and you let her go away with that officer ! Are you nuts Rishi don't know what that officer do with her ! Go now call Mehta send him to Dharavi police station I'm going there too'.

'No need of it'  comes Zoya's voice as she enter in his business room which is situated in the same club.

Aditya got little shock seeing her here but he held her arm asking her  ' where have you been ? And what that officer do to you ?'

She look at him than at his hand on her arm sensing some tension for for herself in him which she wanted  . She say  ' he ask about you as he saw me with you but I told him that I just come to your club asking for job as cleaning lady but didn't got it so he let me go'.

He is doubtful about her saying so he ask  ' then why he take you with him ?'

' Just to know my kholi number and name as I come under poverty line so he said it's for survey purposes that's why'  she told a complete lie but now this is important to gain his trust that she won't disclose about him to anyone specially to police.

He nods and take her with him to his house..

Zoya is in amuse seeing this big mansion of his like she thought he is rich but never in imagination thought he is ultra rich with this much money what he sees in her she thinks to herself.

Aditya show her new room and an maid come with orange juice for her  , she refuse it but he say to drink it as there is lot of time in lunch so she drink it and start feeling dizzy....

Zoya open her eyes seeing some blurry vision but soon she feel some pain in her left arm . She try to say up but feel dizzy Aditya held her and put her head on his thigh creasing her head slowly say  ' easy easy you'll feel dizzy for sometime but soon you'll be fine okay I had to give you sedative or else you feel so much pain in the process and I don't want that' .

Zoya got more confuse and ask  ' process?'

Aditya touch her cheek softly say  ' your branding process I brand you with my name now every one and you always get the reminder that you belongs to me you are mine' .

Zoya look at her arm which she's feeling little pain and find his name tattooed on it . Her anger raised up and she ask him in anger  ' what the heck ! What's the need of this I'm a human not animal which you'll brand' .

Aditya held her hair lightly in his grip and say  ' of course you are a human and I don't believe in branding animals as they are much more loyal to those who gave them affection but this can be not said about humans as they have so many things going in their heads  besides I own you now you are my purchased lover which makes me your master and I have a habit to mark my things with my name which I done with you too' .  Saying so he lean towards her to peck her lips but she bites his lower lip in anger  , he smirk licking his own little bit of blood which comes out cause of her bite and say  ' I imagined this response from you . Now take rest Zoya as we have a long night ahead'  he left her on bed leaving the room .

She look at the name on her arm and huff in irritation...

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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