Promising Hands ~ Natasha Romanoff x Steve Rodgers x fem!child reader

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 Warnings: Fluff, slight Angest, blood, injured child 

Word count:1458 

Summary: One Redhead Russian, One Cool Ranch Dorito, and a mission that will change their lives 

"Steve this floor is clear, I'm moving to Sub-level one." The Russian spy said, pressing and releasing the button on her earpiece. "Okay, be careful." She then rolled her eyes with a scoff and pressed her earpiece. "When am I not?" She said, continuing down the flight of stairs. "I can think of a couple of times," he said in a seductive voice. "You know what Rogers, I have work to do, you should do the same. "Whatever you say" she then turned "Mmmhmm'' she said with her guns raised starting down a hallway. She then came in contact with two hydra agents but shot them down effortlessly, each three times. Head. Chest.Stomach. She then saw a light flicker in a room down the hallway with its' door cracked open.

She walked down the hallway and pushed the door open with her gun ready for any danger. The room looked like a messy lab, things were everywhere, the computers were destroyed, chemicals and serums spilled on the table as if they were in a rush.

An agent then came behind her and wrapped his arms around her neck, making her drop her gun. Nat countered by elbowing him in his face and then kicking him in his chest through a glass table, then grabbed her gun. When he attempted to get up she shot him twice in the stomach.

She then heard a gasp and snapped her attention toward the sound raising her gun once more. She then slowly proceeds toward the table. She leaned over the table and looked under it to see a little girl about 3 or 4 with her knees curled up to her chest and her head buried in her crossed arms.

"Hello," Natasha said in a calm and friendly tone, which is very unlikely for this assassin. The child then looked up and flinched trying to scoot back farther. When she backed against the wall, she snapped her focus back at the women.

Her e/c eyes were met with fiery red hair and emerald green eyes, which were comforting. She gasped when she saw Nats gun. "H-hey, it's' okay, I won't hurt you," Nat said, putting her gun into the holster. "What is your name?" She asked the girl "Y/n'' the child responded barely above a whisper."That is a beautiful name, I'm Natasha, now let's get you somewhere safe."

"N-no more b-bad people?" The little girl asked, voice is full of insecurity. "No more bad people," Nat said reassuringly. "You promise?" "I promise" "How can I trust you?" "We promise to protect you from bad men always, and if you give me your hand I promise to never let it go, okay?" "Okay,"

At that moment, Nat knew that she was immediately attached to the wounded girl. What wounded girl!?! Nat was too distracted by the girl to realize the blood-soaked shirt and the growing crimson pool around the girl. Without hesitation, Nat grabbed the little girl and rushed out of the room. "Hey Steve I found Hydra's project and she needs medical help." "She?... It's a person?" "Yes and she needs medical evac, keep up Steve."

The little girl wrapped her arms around Nat's neck and her legs and her waist. When they got outside the little girl buried her face in Nat's neck to avoid the blinding light in the sky that was unknown to her, Nat could help but think of how cute the sight was.

Nat felt the body go limp and started to run faster. When she reached the quinjet, Nat carefully laid the unconscious girl on the floor and then examined the little body. The little girls were very pale, hardly breathing, and had lost a lot of blood, multiple cut wounds, a very big and deep stab wound. It looked like someone tried to kill her, in the midst of their base being invaded.

Nat found a cloth and started applying pressure while Steve flew the jet as fast as he could. With one hand Nat tried to stop the bleeding, and in the other she held the child's hand, keeping her promise.

When they arrived, Nat ran with the little girl straight to med bey, there she found Bruce, who was talking to Dr.Cho. "Hey Na- who is that?" he asked immediately getting a gurney. "Hydra's project and she needs help," Nat stated, placing the girl on the bed, still holding her hand. "Bruce, help her please, she stopped breathing like a couple of seconds ago," she said still holding the girl's hand, following the gurney down the hall toward the O.R. when they reached the doors of the room nat was stopped by a nurse, the sudden action causing her to let go of the girl's hand.

" No I have to stay with her." she said, trying to push past the doctor." Ma'am you should let the doctors do their work." the nurse said, trying to block the doorway. Nat was getting angry, and trust me you do not want to make Natasha Romanoff, aka the Black Widow angry. " No, she needs me. I have-," "Ma'am, please, listen to me-" " NO! You listen to m-" " Sorry nurses, I will take it from here" Steve said, cutting off Natasha and pushing her away from the door to a wall in the hallway.

"Steve, babe, no, I-i h-have to be in there, I-i need, I need to hold her hand," Steve looked at her with a sad expression "She was scared, and I know what it is like at that age, when you're in a situation you don't want to, a-and have horrible people do bad things to you and make you do bad, bad things," she stated with worry.

Steve gave her a small smile and then pulled her into a hug. He knew that she was referencing the red room, and how she hated what they did to kids at such a young age and how it was scarring. "Nat, everything will be fine," he said, stroking her hair, all she did in response was give a nod. "Why don't you go take a shower and get something to eat and come back down, and I will be here when they finish with her in the recovery room," he said pulling away from the hug, she just nodded again and walked down the hall.

When Nat came back down to MedBay, (y/n) was out of o.r., and in recovery. She walked into the room to see the girl connect to all different monitors, an IV, and a breathing tube in her nose. Steve was asleep on the armchair next to the bed with one of his hands resting on top of one of the girl's. That made Nat smile softly.

She was walking around the room reading Bruce's analysis, and that's when Steve woke up. "You look refreshed," he said stretching, his voice still groggy. "Yeah after showers, eating, and debrief, I was really tired, and took a cat nap," she said, kissing his forehead. "How's she doing?" Nat said, holding the girl's other hand. "M'kay, but my tummy hurts." the girl said with a small smile, Nat and Steven happily returning it.

That was 4 and a half months ago

Y/n woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavy, and tears streaming down your face. A bad dream. The small girl got out of bed and walked down the hall. Three doors down, make a left, first door on the right.

Being the trained ex-assassin/spy she is, as soon as the door opped she lifted her head to see who it was. "Y/n, hun, why are you up?" she said concern taking over her face. "I had a bad dream" she whispered.  

"M'sorry babes, do you want to sleep with me and daddy," she asked giving the little girl grabby hands. The girl gave a small smile, and nodded her head, walked over to Nat's side of the bed, and climbed in. The girl got under the blankets and cuddle closer to Nat and she held you tight and buried your face in her chest.

"я люблю тебя, детка," she said planting a kiss to the girl's forehead. "I love you too mama" the girl replied with a small yawn. 

Steve then rolled over, moving closer to the pair, wrapping a protective arm around Natasha and y/n." I love you y/n/n" he said. "I love you too daddy." "My two favorite girls,"  

"Good night babe," he said to the redhead, giving her a kiss. "Good night baby," she said, returning the kiss. "Good night y/n," they said at the same time, kissing your head. "Good night".


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