Chapter 2: Talking To Roth

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*one new message

Daniel Pov
I don't know why but as soon as i saw that message i had a smile on my face. Maybe it's because of the comfort. I opened it as soon as i got it. It's weird because I don't even know this guy.

Dear James,
I'm sorry to hear about that. I don't know what it's like to be depressed. I would love to get to know you. What are your hobbies? What makes you happy? I don't know if James is your real name, but i love it.
~ Roth

Daniel pov
My heart skipped a beat. He wants to know more about me. He likes my middle name. No one knows it. Except for my family of course. I don't know who this 'Roth' guy was, but i was sure he was someone special. Not in a relationship way. Not yet at least. Who knows what happens in the future?

What was i talking about? I didn't even know this guy. Who knows, maybe he was some creepy old guy. Maybe i'll mess it up again, like always. Or he will just realize who i am and he will leave. Besides, i don't know how to find him. But let's change the subject.

Jonah Marais

The new kid. He seemed alright. I didn't want to be an asshole. I just don't want to let people in. My only friend is my music. I never hang out with people, that's why i spend a lot of time making music and studying. I make music myself and i am the main producer of the school musical. I never actually play a role. I just write the story, the music and the script. No one ever hears me sing except for my family. At home i have multiple instruments, i can play most of them. I love the cello the most but it broke last week.

*time skip* the next day at school

I really felt like playing cello today, but since it broke i'd have to use the one on school. I stayed after my last lesson, so i could play as long as i'd like. I have this music equipment thing that let's me record and it will replay what i recorded. I record songs sometimes. Not always tho. Sometimes i just use it for the music, not to record and definitely not to listen it again. Ever.

Don't get me wrong, i know people love my voice and i know i'm good deep down. But somehow i can't convince myself i'm a good singer. I guess the word for it is 'trust-issues'. After i finished my lessons I went to the music room and made sure no one else was in there. I got my equipment and grabbed the cello. I decided to play one of my favorite Shawn Mendes songs: Treat You Better.
(On top of the page you can play the song for the full experience)

I began strumming and as soon as i got the melody i started singing. I felt like someone was staring at me but i decided to ignore it. I just got lost in the music and played and sang my heart out. Once i was finished i had recorded the whole song and i was quite proud, probably the proudest i've ever been of recording a song. I heard someone coming in and they began to clap. "Damn. You're good."

It was the new kid. Jonah. I began to panic. Did i tell you I have anxiety? "Y-you weren't supposed to h-hear that." I said looking down at my hands. "Daniel, you were amazing." He said grabbing a chair and sitting down next to me. My hands were shaking, but i slowly calmed down. I don't know why but something inside me made me trust him. Like i knew him. Like he knew me. But he knew nothing about me.

"I play a lot of instruments, cello is my favorite but my own broke." I said chuckling a bit. "I'm sorry. Why are you spending your free time in here tho? Don't you hang out with friends?" I froze at the question. I started to put my stuff in the bag and lifted it on my shoulders. "I don't have friends." I said kinda harsh. I started walking towards the door and was prepared to run. But he is had other plans. He stood up and walked with me to the door.

I started walking out but he grabbed my hand holding me back. There was some sort of spark. Or that's just my imagination. But looking in his eyes for a split second i knew he felt it too. Then again, he's way out of my league. He's probably straight too. "Well you do now." He said smiling at me. There was something about it, that smile. Maybe, just maybe, i had a shot on a friendship.

As soon as i got home i realized i never responded to the e-mail. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and started typing. Something inside of me, made me wish i was talking to Jonah. But there was absolutely no change. I'm a weirdo. No one is as dumb to date a weirdo. I was shocked Jonah even wanted to be my friend, literally all i've done is be mean to him. He was probably joking anyway. Tomorrow he would just ignore me. Like everyone else.

Dear Roth,
I love music in general. I don't really have other things that make me happy. Since you're... gay. What do you think of the new guy? Since we can talk about this stuff, i have to admit. He's freaking hot. Who allowed it to look that good??
Sincerely, James

Did i make a mistake by sending that? Probably. But i guess we'll see what happens.

hey loves!
Hope you enjoy this part!
Don't know when my next chapter will come online but i'll post it as soon as possible.
Anyway, thanks for reading!
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Xx R

Word count: 1031 words

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