Is Chat useless?

41 1 0

4:00 PM
"Chat, the akuma almost got away, it's a good thing I stepped in. Without me Hawkmoth probably would've got away!" puffed ladybug
"Sorry m'lady" whispered Chat
"Ladybug has done it again! Saving Paris all on her own!" Exclaimed the news reporter
"Sorry gotta go Chat!" Said Ladybug
"Oh ok, bye" said Chat dejectedly
(As Adrien walked home he dreading having to see his father)
Adrien: Does ladybug even need me?
"Watcha thinking about Adrien" said Plagg mouth half full
"It's nothing, it's just I don't even think Ladybug needs me to defeat Hawkmoth maybe I'm just getting in her way" said Adrien defeatedly
"Well you are kinda useless" said Plagg sarcastically
(Adrien walked away)
"Wait Adrien I was just joking wait for meeeee" said Plagg panicky
"Plagg...claws out" said Adrien cheerlessly
(Magical transformation)
(Chat hopped from building to building)
Hawkmoth: Cat Noir, hmm this might be the perfect victim for my akuma
(Covers akuma)
Hawkmoth: Fly away little akuma and evil-
???: I'll be the leader of this one Hawkmoth

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