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Ladybug: Stop this Chat, this isn't the real you!
Chat Blanc: The old me wasn't any better
Carcass: WATCH OUT!
(Carcass shields the other hero's)
Rena rouge: I'll make a distraction while ladybugs finds the akuma
(Ladybug shakes her head in agreement)
Carcass: Hey kitty! Come get the funny turtle!
Chat Blanc: Big mistake tortoise boy.
(Ladybug sneaks behind chat blanc)
Ladybug: (he doesn't have his pole, there's nothing else that could've been akumtized?!)
Chat blanc: No snooping around little lady
(Cat blanc tries to kick ladybug but she grabs his foot)
Ladybug: I might have spots but I'm not the ball
(Ladybug pushes him back)
(Chat blanc jumps up and drop kicks her chest)
Ladybug: sh- sh- sh- (ladybug bites her lip in pain)
Chat blanc: Now hand over the miraculous ladybug
Ladybug: N-never
Chat blanc: Cataclysm!
Rena rouge: Ladybug!
(Rena tries to run to ladybug but Chat blanc pushes her back with his opposite hand)
At the same time
Tikki: (Oh no oh no where is Chloe)
Chloe: I'll be back by 11 don't worry daddy!
(Chloe walks out of her manison)
Chloe: Ahhhh bug!
Tikki: Calm down Chloe.
Chloe: Um hello who even are you?
Tikki: I'm Tikki ladybugs kwami!
Chloe: A kwami like Pollen?!
Tikki: Mhm and we need your help and quick!
Chloe: Hmm sure I guess but ladybug took my miraculous away are you sure in cut out for it?
Tikki: Theres no time for that let's hurry.
(Chloe and Tikki rush to get to Ladybug in time)
Chat blanc: Since you won't give me the miraculous I'll do it myself
Chloe: Pollen, buzz on!
(Ladybug staggers and tries to run)
(Chat blanc grabs her neck and holds her over the edge of a roof)
Rena rouge: Ladybug!!
Chloe: Hurry let's go!
(Chat blanc touches ladybug with his cataclysm)
Ladybug: I-
Lila: Yes now grab her miraculous!
(Chloe grabs the earrings before chat blanc has the chance)
Chloe: Tikki, spots on!

(Chloe and Tikki rush to get to Ladybug in time)Chat blanc: Since you won't give me the miraculous I'll do it myself Chloe: Pollen, buzz on!(Ladybug staggers and tries to run)(Chat blanc grabs her neck and holds her over the edge of a roof)Rena ro...

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Chat blanc: that was a bad move "LadyBee"
(Whisper)Chloe: What do I do I only know to control the bee miraculous
Tikki: Ask for the lucky charm
Chloe: Ok then..
Chloe: Lucky charm!
(A back scratcher appears)
Chloe: A back scratcher, ridiculous utterly ridiculous
Tikki: If you focus hard enough you'll be able to use the ladybug vision
(Chloe stares hard at Chat blanc)
Chloe: (Wait he has pockets in his costume?! Wait a second I can use the back scratcher to grab what's in his pocket!)
Chat blanc: Shes worse than the other ladybug
(Chat blanc dived toward LadyBee)
(LadyBee stepped out of the way and Chat blanc falls to the ground)
(LadyBee snatched a photo from his pocket)
Tikki: now rip it and the akuma will come out
Lila: Hold it
LadyBee: Is that Hawkmoth? I thought Hawkmoth was a boy??
Lila: I prefer The Peahawk
Carcass: that name kinda sucks dude
Lila: I was on the spot ok! Anyway, I'll be taking this
(Lila grabbed Chat blanc and the photo and teleported back to the sky tower)
LadyBee: I guess until I can get the akuma out of the photo... Ladybug is gone.....forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2020 ⏰

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