Update 19/12

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Hey all! So all the genres are filling up nicely. We're currently in need of entries for the following genres:

➳ Sci-fi
➳ Mystery/Thriller
➳ Historical Fiction
➳ Chicklit
➳ YA
➳ Action/Adventure

So if you know anyone who might be interested in these genres, tag them and let them know! Depending on how these fill up, we may also be interested in additional judges for these genres. 

Judges, we'll be distributing a full criteria for you to use for Round 1 with points you should be considering for each scoring area. Please try to follow this as closely as you can when judging 'cause the closer we all follow it, the fairer the scoring will be between groups.

If any participants want a copy of this criteria, feel free to PM us and ask! 

Finally, the timeline and set-up of the rounds has recently been announced. Make sure you check this out so you know what's going on!

- Saint

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