All can be well, in the beginning

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A/N This is called the "Spec Ops 1911" From the game "Watch Dogs" and if you know what GTA is and not this, then I can guaren fucken T that you missed out on an amazing fucking game. I mean it was basically this,Ubisoft took rockstar's game and added the ability to hack the environment. Instantly better. 

Another thing, '...' This is a thought and "..." this is actually speaking. Also young DJ would have the body build of an average 13 year old while present DJ will have that of an athletic build.

Young DJ's pov, 13 years old or 10 years ago

I can sometime's question if my friends are truly friends. I mean they have my back yes, but then they force me to come to these stupid fucking places, and this time they may be taking it to far, I mean, female animatronics with large assets, c'mon, that just screams 'Hi, we welcome perverts in this kids convention.' I sigh as I walk through the front door of this place of... wonders if you could call it that. As we went into the building, I was struck with a weird feeling, like something bad was going to happen, but also something important to my future, anyway, all I knew was I was feeling anxious, and I normally don't feel like that so as a safety precaution, I checked to see if I still had my knife on me, and turns out...I forgot it at home and said to myself "God damnit, I knew I was forgetting something, oh well, just got to be careful." As I finished saying this, My friend, Jake, said "What was that DJ?" I look at him and say "Oh, it's nothing important, I'm fine." He looks at me skeptically and then shrugs it off and says "Yo Mark, how long until you can get us a table?" He doesn't respond and I Follow where he was looking and saw him staring at the girl's breast that were standing on the stage and I facepalm before saying "You know what, I ain't surprised, I'll take care of getting us a table." I see Jake nod, while Mark and our other friend,Bill, stared at the girl's asset's. I walk off from the group and see what looks like a female security guard, but instead of having a blue uniform, they had a purple one and it raised fags in my head, but I didn't think anything of it. As I walked over to her, I saw her look at me curiously, which I still didn't like and said "Excuse me, but do me and my friends go to whatever table we wish and sit down?" she didn't give it a second thought and said "No, you gotta wait at the entrance for a table, if you want one that is." I sigh before saying "Thanks, now I need to get back to my idiotic friends before they do something stupid." I start to leave and she quickly says "You sure, I can take you to check out some of the original animatronics if you want?" I sigh and say "No thanks, now if you'll excuse me, I need to be going." I start to leave again and hear her sigh and shrug it off before going back to my friends.

As I got to them, I saw that Jake was trying to get Mark and Bill to stop staring at the girls before giving up when he noticed me and said "So, you get us a table?" I sigh and say "We have to wait at the entrance for an employe to bring us to a table." I hear Mark and Bill grumble because the entrance doesn't have a view of the girls. I start walking and they follow me to the front. We sat there waiting for about, 3 minutes before I decided to pull out my headphones and phone and said to my friends "Tap me if you need me." I see them nod and go back to talking while I paired my headphones to my phone and open spotify. As I open spotify, I decided to check out the song that Sophie (A/N I had actually asked the person who gave me this song for a name in case you're wondering, There account is SmallKawiicookie4.) recommended called "My Demons" by Starset. As I was listening to it, I realized that it kinda described me for the most part. While I was sitting there listening to the song, I decided to set it on repeat and listen to it while minding my own business. After listening to the song about 3 times (The song is 4:48 long, so about 15 minutes, give or take.) I was about to start dozing off when Mark tapped me and said "Yo DJ, apparently the animatronics lead you to the tables and their show just ended, so get ready." I nod and stand up and walk over to everyone else and say "Alright, why did we come here again?" I see Jake facepalm while Bill said "So you can actually see females that wear revealing clothing." I sigh before walking over to the wall and headbutting it and then saying "You guys can be assholes at times, you know that?" I see Jake shrug, Mark smirk and Bill laugh before saying "yeah, but without us, you would be used as a punching bag for the football player's" I shrug and say "Maybe so, but it's not like I wouldn't get my own damage in before they finish." I see Mark smile and say "You always have to get into fights, don't you." I shrug and say "Can you really blame me, I am very violent and I need some way to vent off that violence, or else I could end up hurting the wrong people." He chuckles at that before saying "So DJ, do you know any of the animatronics here?" I shrug and say "How many times I gotta say this, this is my first time here and you guys forced me to come here." I hear him laugh before saying "Well the bear's name is Freya, the bunny's is Bonnie, the chicken's is Chica, the red foxes name is Foxy and the white ones is Mangle, don't know why and lastly, the golden bear and bunny are called Spring Bonnie and Fredbear, but I hear that people just call the golden bear, Golden Freya, but people stay away from those two, with them being spring lock animatronics, one accident and you could end up with a fatal or lethal injury." I nod and say "Well, looks like Bonnie is coming over here then." As I say that, I see them turn around and see that she was quickly walking over to us.

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