Chapter One

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"Okay Ara, time to get up!" Olive exclaimed, pulling the comforter off of me in one swift motion and I groaned. "Let's go out! Or let's hang out and have a girls night! I can go get some wine, and we can talk or watch movies, anything you want. Let's just get your mind off of him."

I groan again loudly, shoving my face in my pillow, "I just want to stay in bed." I mumble.

She sighs and sits on the edge of my bed, "'s been nearly two weeks. You've barely left the house." She starts rubbing up and down my back. "I'm not going to tell you to get over it, because that's not my place but I want to help you at least feel better. I hate seeing you like this."

I remove my face from the pillow and look up at Olive, pleading me with sad eyes.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to, Ara. I just think this will be good for you! Anything you want. Let's do it."

I slowly blink up at her. I guess I need to shake this at some point. I can't keep letting myself get to this level, it's putting a burden on the one person I have in life.

I give her a nod and as big of a smile that I can, although it probably wasn't much.

Olive claps and quickly stands to her feet, "We are going to have fun! We'll figure out what we're gonna do later, right now let's get you cleaned up and get some food in your belly, yeah?" She smiles.

I nod, "Okay." I gently push myself off the bed, swinging my legs over the side, my weak body barely being able to do it. I haven't eaten anything for the last 2 weeks besides an occasional bowl of cereal. It really was time for me to get back into the swing of things and get out of my own head.

Olive starts going through my drawers, grabbing me a fresh pair of underwear, some yoga pants, and a loose fitted t-shirt. "Alright, so I'm gonna go start the shower for you," She sets the clean clothes in my lap, "Here's some clothes to throw on when you're all clean. I'll go grab us some breakfast. What are you in the mood for?" She hollers as she quickly goes in the bathroom, starting the shower and coming out right after.

I love her.

"Whatever you want is fine. But can you get me a coffee or tea or something?" I say, rubbing the exhaustion from my eyes.

"Of course!" She beamed, grabbing her keys. "Now go clean up, I'll be back in ten." She leans over and plants a kiss on my cheek before mumbling a 'love you', and heading out the door of my studio apartment.

I let out a sigh, getting off my bed with my clothes in my hand and walking to my bathroom to be greeted by the steam filled room.

I set my clothes on the closed toilet seat, then turn around to look at the foggy mirror. I wipe around the mirror and look at my dull reflection.

My brown eyes looked heavy. They looked dark and empty, not full of anything. A feeling I was definitely used to from time to time. My full lips chapped and almost colorless. My dark brown hair fell right to my shoulders, a tangled and dirty mess. My collarbones popping out the surface of my skin, almost as if they could burst right through.

I looked rough.

I need to stop getting to this point. This was becoming ridiculous. It was like a switch that turned on and off at the most random times, I had no control. And I hated that.

And it also led to Michael leaving me.

I shook my head. This is all in my head and I am fine.

I know I'm better than this, I know I'm strong and can overcome my negative emotions. I need to be in that mindset. I need to remind myself of the better person I am and can be. If not for myself; I need to do it for Olive.

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