chapter 1

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3 person pov

When afo had another baby with inko after their reunion afo needed someone to use as an experiment so since he had a new sin he decided to use izuku because it would be easiest

izuku pov

As I'm walking home with my boyfriends I say "goodbye shiggy and dabi I love you" so we parted ways and I head to my house but as I'm walking in I start to get extremely tired and I fall asleep but when I wake up Im on a cold metal bed and then I chained to it as well so I scream "help dad shiggy dabi mom!!" but then I see a shadowy  figure walk in but then I smile as I realize it was my dad so I tell"dad help get me down !! please!!" But he doesn't do anything but then shiggy and dabi comes in and ask "who is this and why do we need him!?" and then he replies "to experiment on him and to make the strongest experiment yet" then shiggy smiles and walks over to me and says "you are going to go through hell and back so get ready" and without noticing I start hyperventilating do they leave me 'why why why why why' I think to myself over and over again untill I fall asleep and I wake up to a pain in my arm so I open my eyes and see a strange doctor putting a strange chemical in my arm and soon enough I fell asleep this went on for I don't know how long....but one day a toddler came in it had light green hair and was in a school uniform,like it had just got home from school then my dad came in and his eyes widened as he saw us stare at each other with confusion about each other and then the toddler turned around and said "why is the kid from mommy's picture  in your work daddy?" and then I could feel eyes running down my face as I relizsed that that toddler was my brother and I said "I'm helping daddy with his work but don't tell mommy" I said ok in a quiet voice so I don't get punished by my father and then I hear him say "ok but why are you in chains?" So I reply and say "its a secret between me and dad" so he smiled and we walked out cheerfully saying "can't wait to see you when you come home brother!!"so I cried even more with a smile ony face but then I see my father with a furious face so he comes up to me and slaps me and says "how dare you talk to my son you disgusting price of trash!!"so I just say "I rather have a good person talk to my brother than a bad person so I win" but I know I shouldn't go said that so I brace myself for impact but I don't feel anything so I open my eyes and see him crying so my eyes widen as I see tears coming out of his eyes so I say "what is it did you realize what you did wrong and finally except that your a table person!!" But then I see him look at me and say "no I'm happy because my experiment on you is working...." Then I see him put a glass mask on then I see gass come out but I wasn't shocked because this has happened before so I just let it happen and I fall asleep but when I woke it was different I saw a......a......nomu!!!but it wasn't attacking me it was..sad? So I go over to it and say "are you ok....umm.....nomu guy" but then it turned out to be toga( she had transformed into a nomu 😬😬) so I ask in a scared voice "what happens to you" then she looked at me and said with a heart warming smile "deku i missed you!!! shiggy and dabi had their memories of you erased so I was wondering who did it so I went to go ask your dad but when I mentioned you your dad tried to attack me" I got really mad and I got up and ran to the door and I ripped dot off and it sounded an alarm that noticed the hero's someone was here so I smiled but then shigaraki came to the door and his eyes were filled with anger  and lifted his hand and I said "even if you don't remember me I will always love you shiggy and dabi" so he stoped  and said "what do mean!?" With an angy tone so I explained the story but then he grabbed me with 4 fingers and ran me out of here but was stoped by my father so he tries stop him but as he tries to stop him my father killed him so I decide that he didn't die in cain so I run as fast as I can and I run into someone I didn't expect.........

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