Love, rose

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Some characters mentioned are created by j.k Rowling so credits to her.

Love, love is a development, a process that everyone goes through. Some get to be with there love, others have to see there love with another. Her. Her long hair, her fair skin, her beautiful smile, her brown eyes that glistened in the sun.
Its all gone.

                                 10 years ago
Rose's POV: I'm getting ready to go to Hogwarts. Two weeks ago I got my letter, father family all from a long line of wizards and witches. As for mother, who didn't of such thing until she married father.

There was no doubt I would be going to Hogwarts due to my fathers family, I was a witch too. "Rose let's go we are going to be late." Calls father from down stairs, I rush packing the last of my stuff and head down stairs.

Draco's POV: father always told me stories about Hogwarts, how many of our ancestors went there. A story he always told me was of Harry Potter the boy who lived, it was quite exciting maybe we could be friends.

Father quite disagreed with me being friends with him I don't quite know why he said " Draco are family is better than most of the others at Hogwarts" I though that was rubbish people should be people. But father made me agree not hang with mud-bloods.

"Draco let's go" yells mother. I grab my stuff that thanks to my mother was already nicely packed and headed down.

Rose's POV: The car ride to kings cross felt slow, different as if the world was warning me of some thing. As if telling me not to go to Hogwarts like something bad is going to happen. Yet I ignored that thought pushed it away.

We arrived, father took me to the wall between station 9 and 10. I giggled a bit when he told me I had to run through the wall, but I didn't question it after all we are witches.
On the other side there was an amazing train bigger than the trains in the real world. I said my goodbyes to my parents and started my way through the train there was many people. I found I place to myself, it didn't last quite long.

"Hi is this seat taken" as a boy with brown hair and small round glasses and another boy red hair he was talking it seemed to the other boy, if I wasn't mistaken.

"Your Harry Potter" I said, he nods his head yes. I'm rose Lynn Blanchard, " omg a Blanchard" screeches a girl with long frizzy hair standing at the door "and you are" she says to the boys, "Harry Potter" says Harry. " I'm Ron Weasley" says the red head I hadn't quite caught his name before.

" I'm Hermoine Granger" says the girl, " I've read all about your ancestors rose, and Harry the boy who lived I've heard of you to" she looks at Ron and says,

" I've heard of your family to not quite much though." We talked the whole ride until we got to Hogwarts.

Draco's POV: We make out way to kings cross, I stare a my home wanting to stay. But I remember all the exciting things that I can learn, and the friends I can make.

We arrive the train like no other I've seen. All the people the families, yet when my father and I pass everyone makes way for us. As if they were scared, this made me feel powerful, but either way I said my goodbyes to my mum and father.

I'm walking down the corridor in the train many new people making new friends. I hear a name one I've been wanting to meet, "Your Harry Potter" says a girl. I make my way to there room but it seems they already have enough people.

I see the girl, her long hair, amazing fair skin she's so pretty. There also another girl with them quite different but also pretty, ginger fluffy hair, light fair skin.

I continue and make my way down the train I see a girl and a boy sitting together. "is this seat taken" the girl short black hair looks over at me.

She says "no, you must be Draco Malfoy I've heard of you." The boy says, " I'm Blaise Zabini, and she is Pansy Párkinson.

I sit with them and enjoy talking to them. I made friends with them. We talk the whole way.

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