A Lost Battle

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I go back and forth.
Happy, then I'm a not.
The darkness always returns.

Push it away,
See it come again.
Try to run away,
But it captures you,

Dark clouds
Are all I see.
They never seem
To want to leave me.

I tried so hard,
Not to let you down.
I tried my best,
But it keeps
Coming back.

I've realized
I can't set myself free.
I run and hide,
But the darkness always finds me.
Help me, please.
Help me survive.
I can't run,
I can't hide.
Help me, please.

I tried so hard
To not let you down.
I tried my best,
But darkness returns.

Please, forgive me.
I'm sorry
I'm sorry for all I've done
And all I've failed to do.
Please, forgive me.
I failed you.

I tried so hard.
I tried my best.
I thought that I had won.
But all I've done
Is worsened the pain.
I'm sorry
I made you go through this
I failed and failed.
I let you down.
I'm so sorry.

I tried my best,
But the darkness was not put to rest.
I tried so hard,
But I played my final card.

I tried my best,
I failed.
I tried so hard.
And I failed.

I failed you.
I'm so sorry.
Please, forgive me.

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