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I press my hands against the glass.
The cold,
Hard glass.
There are people on the other side,
But they don't see me.

One day,
I awoke,
To find myself trapped,
Locked in this glass box.

No one sees me
No one hears me.
Just me and my box.

Water starts pouring in,
Sending me into a panic.
I bang on the glass,
But no one looks.

The water rises to my knees.
I bang harder,
I shout louder.
But still,
They don't notice.

Another second,
The water is to my waist.
I beat frantically.
"Help me! Help me!"

They start looking at me,
But only for a second.
They just keep walking.
Are they blind?

Almost to my shoulders.
I become more desperate.
Help me!

Some of them stop,
They stare.
What are they doing?
Can't they see?

I have to tilt my head to breathe.
The water restricts my movements.
I still call for help.

People are pointing
And running over.
They look concerned.
Did they finally notice me?

The water slips over my head.
The people seem scared
I see them yelling and screaming.
But I can't hear a word.

Their movements become frantic.
They stare at me desperately.
They start pounding on the glass.
Are they trying to help me?

I can't breathe.
It hurts.
I can't hear them.
And as my vision darkens,
I start to wonder
If they were ever there at all.

Please, help me.

My eyes close.

And I hear the glass crack.

Of The WretchedWhere stories live. Discover now