Chapter 7

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Mal watched as Ben walked down the aisle of the cathedral, her eyes scanning the area for any sign that her mother might appear; constantly glancing at the windows for anything out of the ordinary. Despite the promise from Jane and the knowledge that Hadie would be in good hands, Mal was still extremely tense.

Her mother did not get the title Mistress of Evil by being someone to underestimate. Or by sparing those who crossed her.

However, she was brought out of her thoughts by a sharp poke to the ribs. Looking to her right, she saw Audrey's elbow move back to her side. The pink clad princess was standing perfectly still, not fidgeting in the slightest. The model of a perfect princess. Yet Mal could see the corner of her mouth move.

"For the love of all that is good and pure, relax," Audrey whispered, her eyes fixated by the coronation. Mal didn't respond; while the prissy pink princess had turned over a new leaf since the viewing, Mal was still apprehensive toward her and her grandmother. It was hard to tell where they stood at times. "You're making my grandmother nervous, who in return is making my mother annoyed and my father paranoid that something bad's going to happen."

"When isn't your grandmother nervous around me?" Mal hissed back, causing Audrey to inexplicably shrug, if you could call her shoulder moving up and down one inch a shrug. Mal turned her attention back to the coronation just as Fairy Godmother was placing the crown on Ben's head.

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?" Fairy Godmother asked, as Belle beamed down at her son.

"I do so solemnly swear," Ben replied and Fairy Godmother tapped Ben's shoulders with her wand and a giant smile on her face. Mal couldn't help but relax as Jane stood next to her mother, no sign of wanting to grab the wand. Maybe all would be alright after all.

"Then it is my honor and my joy to bless our new—"

Fairy Godmother was cut off by the sound of the doors being blasted open, and some of the Auradonians knocked down from the blast. Mal wanted to rush to them, knowing her little brother was one of the ones closest to the door but knew she would never make it in time.

But instead she froze as she saw a figure she knew was supposed to still be trapped on the Isle of the Lost. Someone she knew couldn't get off the Isle this time because there had been no major event to cause a hole in the barrier.

"So sorry I'm late," Maleficent said with a smirk, strolling into the cathedral; her scepter glowing green with power it hadn't had for twenty years. Each step Maleficent took was accented by a clank as she set down her scepter, the sound echoing in the cavernous hall. "I must say I was quite distressed at not receiving an invitation Prince Ben. I had assumed that it was some sort of oversight."

Out of the corner of her eye, Mal saw Audrey trying desperately to get her parents, brother and her grandmother out, but the latter seemed frozen in fear at the sight of Maleficent, while Phillip had already rushed his son out the door as part of a small exodus that had occurred when Maleficent appeared. Mal couldn't help but feel a minuscule twinge of pity for Leah- maybe the old hag was experiencing deja vu to Aurora's christening?

Whatever the case may be, it was certainly nice to not have Queen Leah screeching about her mother for once. Even if her mother was here to rant at. Mal couldn't even fault Phillip for leaving; knowing what the viewing had provided, she knew that any good parent would want their kids as far away as possible from Maleficent in dragon form. Especially a parent that had already faced such a thing before.

"Mal, darling. No greeting for your mother?" Maleficent asked, drawing Mal out of her thoughts and she knew all eyes were on her.

"Hello, mother," Mal responded, keeping her voice flat as possible; she could only hope that Evie, Jay and Carlos either got out of the cathedral or were on their way down to get Hadie and Dizzy out. Of course her mother would be here. Why would she think otherwise?

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