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Anastasia Greendale has just transferred from Ilvermorny School, located in the United States.

She's attending her sixth year of school, but this time, at Hogwarts.

She transferred because her mother and father have recently gotten a divorce. Her father, a wizard has taken custody of her. She's finding the new move challenging, but she's trying to be willing for the sake of her parents.

Anastasia is looking forward to her final year of school, though, Ana does not know a single soul attending the school, so she's terrified to make friends and meet new people.


The Riddle brothers— the four most hated students in all of Hogwarts.

Tom Riddle has been out of Hogwarts for two years now, but that won't stop him from being power hungry and ruthless toward the staff and students.

Zachary and Nicholas Riddle- the twins- are finishing up their sixth year alongside all the other students.

But they are hated for a reason.

Tom Riddle threatened to explode the school last year, and has been working to create an army of wizards and witches to overthrow the school and obtain the power of the dear girl Anastasia Greendale.

Zachary Riddle may be a sociopath, but the girls at the school still drool over him. He's ballistic, and has anger built up. He has fists of steel, and isn't afraid to shed blood.

Nicholas Riddle is the quietest, but the smartest. His IQ is said to be one of the highest in all of the Wizarding World. He may be quiet, indeed, but he's just as ruthless.

And then there's Adam Riddle. He likes to stay in the shadows, but he's just as terrible as the rest. He's Tom's battle partner; wingman if you will. He can speak six languages, and he has more battle knowledge then all of them combined.


And then there's Anastasia, a prideful girl from America. She doesn't know what the Riddle brothers have in store for her... But it'll be interesting.




𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄 ✔︎ ━ 𝖱𝖨𝖣𝖣𝖫𝖤Where stories live. Discover now