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After being sorted, Dumbledore led me to the Ravenclaw common room. He also gave me a few words of advice before sharing the password with me.

I walked inside, through the threshold, to be greeted by an airy blue room that had windows lining almost every wall. There was even a sunroof in the middle, where bright yellow light flooded through.

I stood in awe as the door closed behind me, completely unaware that there way anyone else inside. "Is that her?" I heard someone say quietly.

I snapped out of my trance and looked toward the voice, my eyes meeting that of a brunette haired girl and dark brown eyes. The other girl next to her had short, deep brown hair with ringlet curls.

"Are you the new girl? The American?" The girl with curly hair asked, her voice smooth and even. I nodded with a breath of even air streaming from my lips.

"My name is Anastasia." I introduced myself with a smile, picking at the skin of my fingernails with eagerness.

"I'm Cho." The straight haired brunette girl said. "And I'm Kiara." The curly haired one said. Kiara rose from the sofa they had been sitting on and walked over to me, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Welcome to Hogwarts! We're so glad to have you in Ravenclaw." She said lightly, her smile easy. I let out a small laugh and allowed her hand on my shoulder to guide me around the room.

"We have the most bookshelves, and also a sky roof where we watch the stars at night." She said, voice dreamy. "Those stairs lead up to the girls dormitories, Hagrid already brought your bags." She grinned.

"Thank you. I guess I should probably unpack." I said as a a yawn escaped my lips. "Or maybe you need a nap." Cho joked, leaning on the armrest to watch us.

"Probably," I replied. "Well, I'm off. I'll see you guys around!" I exclaimed, walking up the stairs with dragging feet. They both waved as I disappeared around the wall.

The dormitory was empty, but I didn't mind, in fact I'd probably get distracted if it wasn't. I walked over to the made bed near the furthest wall and unzipped my backpack.

I took out a framed photo of myself and my parents and sat it on the beside table. I also unpacked some shoes and stuffed the under my bed.

After I collected everything out that was of immediate use, I placed my luggage under the bed, stuffing the bags behind my shoes.

After I accomplished my tasks, I flopped onto the bed with a humongous sigh, my body sponging into the soft mattress that was placed under the comforter.

I don't know how long I managed to stay awake, but soon enough my eyes pulled closed and I drifted off.

I awoke when the sun had just started going down. I didn't expect to sleep so late, but let's just say it was much needed. And it was one of the best naps I've ever had in my life.

When I awoke, I was still alone, but the sun was just barely streaming through the window at this point. I rolled off the mattress and stretched near my bed. A large yawn spread across my lips as I walked down the stairs to the common room.

It was empty, aside from Kiara and two of her friends sitting in some of the chairs tucked away near the bookshelves. "Good evening, well, morning for you I guess." She grinned, closing the book between her hands.

I smiled and met her in the middle of the room. "So tell me, have you met any cute guys yet?" She said with a dreamy tone, leading me to one of the couches. I took a seat next to her, my body absorbing the comfortable fabric.

"Well..." I started, trying to decide if I wanted to share my thoughts with her or not. "There is this one guy, but he's super..." I trailed off momentarily, trying to find the right word.

"Terrifying. But in kind of a hot way." I explained. She nodded along, but didn't ask who it was, which I'm quite glad about, considering that he is a Riddle.

"How about you?" I asked in return. She smiled, which let me know she already has an answer. "I think Malfoy is hot... But I'm so out of his league." She said with a sarcastic yawn, leaning back into the couch cushions.

"I love your bad bitch energy." I said with a sheepish grin as I followed her by allowing the couch cushions to consume me.

I've never heard of a Malfoy, but considering Kiara's tone I can tell he's hot, and perhaps the bad boy type, well, that's the kind of vibe his name gives off.

"Okay, well, I'm going to head off to sleep. We have classes tomorrow." She said with a sigh, getting up from the couch. I followed her, standing idly as she stretched.

"I'll be up soon. I think I'm going to take a walk first to tire me out." I said evenly, tucking my wand further into my back pocket.

She left my side and collected her friends, then they all scurried up the stairs like mice at dinner time.

I wasn't exactly sure where I was headed, but since I just took an extremely long nap I'd need to clear my head and tire myself out before even trying to sleep again.

I headed out the door and into the hallway, which was winding with students. I took a left, keeping my head down to avoid any and all human interactions around me.

I turned down a few more hallways, until I ended up in quite a dark and shadowy one. No students lurked around, which was quite a relief, considering my anti-social self.

I ran my hand along the cool stone wall, my green eyes looking over the few paintings that hung on the stone.

One was of Hogwarts itself, bright and beautiful as the sun swept over the hills. The other was of a beautiful starry sky with faces replacing the stars. It was quite enchanting to look at.

As my hand was about the touch the picture frame, a voice sounded from behind me. "I wouldn't touch that one if I were you." A male voice said. I snapped my head around and lifted my hand away quickly.

I couldn't see anything but a figure as he stood in the shadows, facial features hidden from view. "Why not?" I asked. I only asked such a thing since he didn't strike me as a teacher, so I wasn't too afraid.

"Because it's ancient. The ghosts will haunt you if you do." He replied, tone firm. I couldn't tell if he was joking or not, but I crossed my arms and hardened my expression.

"So you're the American, huh?" He said. I could feel his eyes trail up and down my body, almost as if examining my very aspect. But I didn't care, I'm used to people staring, for whatever reason.

"Yeah, and you are?..." I asked with a raise of my eyebrow, my words trailing off, holding that he would answer in return.

The male took a step forward, into a small patch of light, reveling a heap of brunette curls, a chiseled facial structure, and deep green eyes with specks of brown.

"Zachary Riddle." He said with a cocky smirk, holding his hand out for me to shake it. I looked down at his hand which hovered in the air, a look of disgust on my face.

He didn't actually expect me to touch the hands of a cold blooded sociopath... Right?

"Well?..." He said impatiently, moving his hand further toward me. I took it with a roll of my eyes, immediately regretting my decision as his fingers laced around mine.

"Anastasia Greendale. Born in the Muggle world... California. You're an only child, and your worst fear is life without love. Your biggest burden is yourself." He said out of the blue.

I snapped my hand away, my eyes widening. He knew everything, at least everything personal.


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