Chapter One: Blurred Lines

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I do a thing called, whatever the fuck I want. Some people are addicted to tobacco, alcohol, or even sex. But me? I'm addicted to the drug created in the adrenal glands. I thrive in chaos because I was born in it.

This is a mans world, it's up to someone like me to put them in their place every once in a while.

Now I got a collar, one I intend to tug at for as long as I can. With my extensive expertise, I was grouped into training to be a field medic for an infamous team named The Inglorious Basterd's. Now being a soft and caring medic just wasn't for me. But a job is a job, being a spy can really tired out a person and even blur the lines between our actual identity.

The person holding onto my leash is none other than Aldo The Apache himself.

"You're such a goddamn brat! You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?" His voice horse, eyebrows scrunched into his permanent smolder while hanging on to my nimble fingers.

I was trying really hard not to smirk or laugh at his insult, he really hit the bullseye on that one.

"Are you just stating facts? Or is this your pathetic attempt at trying to whine? Just take it like a man." I couldn't hold the deviant look in my eye, I mean this guy is just an absolute joy to throw and receive playful banter. Never met a guy like him, the Clyde to my Bonnie. I'd never actually say that of course.

Our eyes meet for a moment, his lips twitching up a little at my comment. That damn expression always gets me, how does one man have so much power over me?

"You could be at least a little more gentle... Or do I gotta' tug on that leash of yours?" His rumbling voice vibrating up into my fingertips that are on his chest rubbing the sticky part of a bandage on it. As he reaches over to lightly tug on the collar of my uniform.

I let out a scoff, making a point to give him a slap onto his chest where the bandage is for good measure. He lets out a wheeze, flinching at the loud smack. "Oh and a kiss on the boo boo while I'm at it, sir?"

He lets out a throating chuckle strained from me smacking his freshly stitched up wound, but the gleam of excitement didn't leave his eyes.

"Mmm a little smooch would be nice." His smug expression only growing as I scowl. We've only been trading blows, we haven't even hugged! Well it's not like I ever hugged someone on my own free will.

"With all due respect Lieutenant, kiss my ass." I turn in my chair, sanitizing my workstation from all the gore he spread over my table. That was until I realized he still hadn't moved from his place.

I heave a dejected sigh. "What is it now big guy?"

"You're documents are sealed. Don't you think that's a little odd for just a little old nurse?" He is sat up, still topless and basking in all his drool worthy glory. His eyes unashamedly scanning me and my figure. His eyes lingering just a bit below my nose, I drag my tongue over my teeth letting out a click of the tongue.

"If your Captain thought it was important to know, he would've told you by now."

"Hmm just what are you hiding-" He hums in response and those once open eyes closed off, not that it mattered. I can't indulge myself too much, after all I've done I don't even deserve the odd relationship I have this man. I'm always closed off from the world and he knew that. If he wanted easy prey he wouldn't be digging into my life.

Not like there's much to it. All there is in that file is pain. A feeling I grew used to, pain now is just numbing to the shattered remains of my humanity. You'd think the life of spy was great. Traveling the world, meeting world leaders, having skills that could send anyone straight to their maker before they could even realize it. It is an empty existence, following orders like a dog.

Adventures Of A Reluctant Field MedicWhere stories live. Discover now