I n t r o d u c t i o n

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 h e l l o

I'm very new to publishing a story on Wattpad, so I really appreciate that you clicked on this book. This is my first book ever so if you have any suggestions or questions let me know I love meeting new people. Please and thank you:)))

u p d a t e s

This book is my first and only book so I plan to update chapters daily or every other day.

h e l p

If you have any suggestions again please tell me in the comments or message me about any ideas I can use to make my story better.

r i g h t s

All rights are reserved just like everything else in this book (except for the pictures I get off of google and Pinterest) therefore please do not try to copy, steal, or rewrite my plot and claim it as your own because it is not. If you ask to borrow something from my book then we can discuss it together privately I don't mind sharing or borrowing but do not claim my ideas give me my credits.


The POVs will change sometimes but it mostly will be Clara's pov since it is Clara's journey.

w a r n i n g

This book is basically a murder mystery that does contain death, bullying, attempted suicide, and more to come so TW do not read this book if you can not handle death, suicide, bullying, or bloodshed

S u p p o r t

Please make sure to vote and comment after you read a chapter. It will help motivate me to make and improve more books as time goes! Also if you like this book please don't forget to follow my account to get notifications on the book updates for every new chapter. 

T h a n k   Y o u 

Again I am very grateful that you chose to read this book. Hope you enjoy my book! Don't ever forget you are beautiful inside and out no matter what anyone else says and if you are being bullied please tell someone and do not commit suicide because if you die today you will never be able to achieve your dreams later on in life.  :)

The Deadly BetWhere stories live. Discover now