Dino Whore (teaa)

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-Last chapter-

I'm pretty sure my mom could tell something happened so she'll probably let me slide today. I layed in my bed basically doing nothing untill it was 8pm.

I got my bag ready, it had alcohol, mine and Yamaguchi's spare vape and vape juice, and some pre wrapped blunts. When I got my bag ready I changed into this. (look at last chapter)

-Hinatas pov-

I got all my stuff ready and grabbed my keys before walking out my room and going downstairs.

I made it downstairs and looked at the living room and kitchen to see if my mom was still up. My mom works at 5am so she has to sleep early so I'm pretty sure she isnt awake.

I quickly grab a paper and write that I'm staying at a friend's for her to see in the morning then I leave, making sure to lock the door behind me.

I texted Yams I was on my way and made my way out to the park.

After a few minutes of walking and thinking about what I saw earlier I relise I made it to the park. I look around quickly before going down a secluded path in the woods. (Woods are considered part of the park btw)

I soon made it to a clearing with a big rock and overgrown trees surrounding a burnt out campfire and wooden logs as seats and tables.

"Hey Yams.."

"Hey Sho." Yams says as I sit down on a log by him.

"...Do you wanna know what happened?"

"...Let's smoke a little and you can tell me when your more relaxed, that good for you?" Yams asked while reaching into his bag and pulling out a bong and some weed.

I laughed and agreed, reaching into my bag and getting some vodka and rum for after we get high. (P.s always get high before you drink if ur planning on getting stoned and drunk, if not theres a high chance you'll puke.)

"So..How's it been with you lately?" I ask taking a hit from the bong.

"I've been good, Dino bitch told me he likes Kageyama or some shit. Fucking stupid if you ask me."

"Jesus christ what is up with that guy. How you gonna like someone you've been bullying since before you met probably gave him PTSD or some shit." I said looking at Yams while he passed me back the bong. (Also PTDS isnt a thing to make fun or and in no way is this doing that, it's just how a lot of people talk when high, dont make fun of people for these types of things.)

"Right, I don't understand him at all. He should understand how Kags is feeling if he does have problems with the teasing and shit. I mean, his brother lied to him and suddenly hes ruined? Damn." (Once again trust is important so like dont take this as me saying trust doesn't matter, when your trust is ruined it doesn't feel good so yuh)

"Wait your fucking telling me hes like this because he was lied to.. ONCE?!" I asked completely shocked cause like, how the fuck you gonna act like that after ONE lie?! Stupid. (This is Hinatas pov that's just what hed think in this story)

"Right!? Like damn." Yams says taking a hit and rolling his eyes.

"Anyways, I think I'm ready to tell you what's up..." I said finally calmly down from being mad about that Dino Whore. (Love you Tsuki)


sorry I never update also please stop commenting abt wanting updates I'm writing them all I'm just waiting to do a mass update ( not including this chapter) plus my mom got engaged and I'm moving plus I have way to many Fs and missing assignments. (Btw I'm writing this at a eye appointment lol)

645 words

What a weird way for this to happen|A s3x addict Hinata x Kuroo|Where stories live. Discover now