Chapter 1 : Cold hiking

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You always had a little crush over Yoongi and you told yourself that these holidays would determine what really are those feelings. One day during the trip, BTS and your girl group all decided to go hiking in the mountains together. Not everyone was ready and it annoyed Yoongi. He was ready and waited for 15 min. Finally, everybody was dressed, but one of your member said.

Member 1 : Oh no, wait, Y/N is still missing. I don't think she's ready yet.

Yoongi (yelling) : Come on Y/N ! We're waiting for you ! If you don't come within the next 10 seconds, I'll come and get you, ready or not.

You could barely hear what he said, so you went outside the bathroom, and asked.

Y/N : What is it ?

You just had to put your coat on to be completely ready. Yoongi walked fast towards you, with no expression on his face, and grabbed you, holding you on his shoulder like a backpak. Everybody was laughing, and Yoongi went outside, locking the door of the cabin. It was a beautiful day for a hiking with your friends.

You were not quite in the mountains yet, there was still some cars driving here and there, and everybody was running everywhere, joking and teasing each other. You stole Jungkook's hat, and he chased you to get it back. Seeing all of you like that, Yoongi couldn't help but to care for all of you.

Yoongi (yelling) : Y/N watch out ! There are cars everywhere, I don't want you to get run over.

You ran next to Yoongi, avoiding a car that was coming, and he grabbed you by the hand to stop you. You were surprised and looked at Yoongi that had a tiny smile on his lips, barely visible, but Jungkook broke this romantic moment by grabbing his hat from your hand.

Yoongi : Jungkook, be careful !

During the hiking, you saw wonderful landscapes, breathed the fresh and pure air from the mountains and cleared your mind from negative thoughts. While walking you talked with BTS and learned more about them. You already all had a good bond, but getting to know them better this way was so important to you.

You stopped at a river, admiring the blue and pink coming from the sky and the sun reflecting on the water. Some brave ones went to touch the freezing water, and you congratulated him, knowing that you were unable to do like them. Yoongi also wanted his compliments from you, so he said

Yoongi : Do you want to come with me and touch the water ?

Y/N : Oh no thank you, I think I would instantly freeze.

Yoongi : Just come with me please.

He grabbed your hand and led you to the river. He leaned down and splashed his face in the icy water.

Y/N (worried) : Yoongi ! Don't do that, you'll get a cold !

Yoongi (smirking) : I'm ok Y/N, thanks for worrying about me.

You lightly punched his shoulder, knowing that he did that on purpose.

Everyone was taking pictures from the landscapes, selfies and running everywhere. You all had so much fun by the river, that you didn't notice that the sun slowly went down. It was getting colder and you started shivering from the cold, because you didn't bring your coat, Yoongi led you outside before you could grab it. Yoongi saw you squat down, crossing your arms to prevent any wind coming on your body. Hes squatted down next to you.

Yoongi : Y/N, are you ok ?

You lifted your head that was lying on your knees and smiled to him.

Y/N : Yes, don't worry, it's just that it's getting colder and I only have that jumper.

Yoongi felt guilty knowing that he was the one that deprived you from your coat.

Yoongi : I'm sorry, it's my fault.

He stood up, took off his own coat and placed it on your shoulders. You stood up, trying to take it off, but he placed his hand on yours to stop you.

Y/N : No, keep it, you'll be cold.

Yoongi : Don't worry Y/N, I'm fine. And I prefer knowing you warm.

You looked in his eyes so deeply in a way to thank him. You smiled and lowered your head, hiding your red cheeks.

Namjoon saw that you had Yoongi's coat and he came to him

NJ : Hyung, you're a gentlemand now ?

He said, with his eyes disappearing in his smile.

Yoongi : Stop it, I've always been a gentleman.

Namjoon patted Yoongi's shoulder in approval and everybody took the way back.

By walking, Yoongi went to your level and walked silently beside you, looking ahead. You glanced at him multiple times. At one point you felt as if his hand lightly touched yours, or was it just the cold that made your hand frozen ? A few minutes later, your hands touched again, and Yoongi let his pinky on yours a little bit more. You looked at him and he gave you a big smile. You looked around, hoping that nobody saw that interaction.

Holiday season at a log cabin with YoongiKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat