the coffying

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unflip took a deep breath, opening the store. "what a lovely day this is going to be!" they said in a peppy upbeat tone. they were so, so tired.

perhaps unflip overworked themself, perhaps they were being too hard on themself, but who else was there to keep things in order? it seemed as though unflip was the only one ever to actually show up to work, not even customers seemed to show up often...

no matter, they shook their head, tying their lucky silk ribbon around their dress code assigned green apron.

they swiped their hand across the front counter, wiping dust. unflip tilted their head, why was it dusty? they sighed, retreating back to the storage closet to grab a feather duster. its not like anyone was gonna show up to this god forsaken coffee shop anyways.

or so they thought.

tableflip walked steadily along the sidewalk, kicking at the ground as flip adjusted flips jacket and slid flips hand into the left pocket, pulling out the note which detailed flips next mission. flip looked around, dusky yellow spilling into the morning sky.

eventually, tableflip reached it; smol coffee beans, the coffee shop which located flips next assassination meeting.

bells jingled as flip stepped inside the shop, sliding both hands into flips pockets. symmetry always seems less suspicious, after all.

tableflip looked around, confused. nobody seemed to be in the shop, which was odd, considering the sign on the window indicated they were open.

"maybe i should come again at another time...?" tableflip mumbled to flipself. flip shook flips head "no, i must not delay any longer..."

"after all, no witnesses would be ideal."

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