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It's my third year at Hogwarts and my mom still won't let me take the train. Even though I'm dying to know what its like, I understand where she's coming from. Aunt Lily and James died because of him, so it's been really hard to convince her to let me go on the train with people whose families supported you know who for years. And while I should be able to say his name, even in my thoughts, I can't bring myself to do it. He's taken away my chance of a normal life so excuse me for not having the love to say his name. I'm just happy my mom is letting me go to Hogwarts in the first place, after my first year I was sure she was going to pull me out. But then she let me back the second, and now again for the third, so I am not going to argue about the train. I will just sit here and wonder why Harry is allowed to go and I'm not. Well, I know why he is allowed. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon could not care less about him. I can tell it's just jealousy though. She's the only one out of the three Evan sisters who didn't become a witch. 

Anyways, this is my third year and I plan shifting my focus. The past two years I was so caught up in having fun that I almost failed herbology. I know now that I have friends so there is no need to put them above my school work. I have this school year all mapped out. Attend classes, study for said classes, and socialize on weekends. This year I am devoted to having good grades, especially after I almost failed herbology last year. Also one important note: NO WEASLEY's.

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