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warnings !
mention of having PTSD, lots of cussing, some nudeness and near smut


"You ready?" Dean called softly to the others, his hand gripping the lamb blood-coated silver knife in his hand. You and Sam nodded, knowing Gabriel and Castiel were somewhere nearby. They had opted not to join the hunt unless absolutely necessary, as they could kill it with one touch, and for once, they couldn't do that. After taking one look at you, all of them knew you needed the disclosure of killing the thing that murdered your best friend. You would never be okay again otherwise. Sam and Dean knew exactly how you felt, considering their mother and Jessica, and eventually, their father; Cas and Gabe hadn't really understood at first, but they did their best to, and so were watching over the three of you carefully.

You nodded once, your mouth set in a firm line. You were going to punish this sick son of a bitch that had cruelly tricked and killed Hope. That was all you could think about right now, getting revenge. Thoughts of how Hope had probably died in a lot of pain, believing in a lie, made rage rise up in you. The thought of payback clouded your mind somewhat, but since you were a very smart hunter, and knew that you needed to keep a clear enough mind so that you wouldn't charge into a trap blindly, you pushed the thoughts away. The last thing you needed was to get yourself trapped and killed, and you knew it. Luckily.

You always had been smarter than the average hunter. Your intelligence was probably what allowed you to hunt with the Winchesters, who were the best in the world.

Dean gave the signal, and you and the two Winchesters went three separate ways into the warehouse, the sound of their soft footsteps receding as you ventured further into the darkness. At first, the darkening, shifting shadows threw your sight into semi-complete darkness, but as you paused to let your eyes adjust to the darkness, you slowly made out dark shapes in front of you.

One of which happened to be moving towards you at a very fast pace, clearly attempting to catch you by surprise. You let out a curse as the man tackled you, his eyes glowing blue as he tried to touch your forehead. With inexplicable force, you sent him flying into a pile of wood, which collapsed beneath him with a large crashing noise. He snarled something as you scrambled up, frantically looking for your knife.

There! You caught glimpse of the dully-shining metallic blade by a different pile of wood, and you estimated in about a second that it would take you and the creature the same time to reach it. Maybe less for the creature.

You swore softly as still-glowing blue eyes locked back onto you. The man was easily visible in the dark, as his skin was glowing like a lighthouse in the middle of a storm. You could sense he was more wary of you than before, his gaze searching. He knew you were only human, he could smell it, but every human he'd ever encountered never had the strength to throw him across a room.

He could also smell something off about you. Something... powerful. And it wasn't you, it was something someone had left on you. Like a mark or something.

If he hadn't been as hungry as he was, and frankly, more smarter than he was, he would have recognized the scent and started running the hell away from you. You were not a human any monster smart enough would mess with, because they could all recognize the scent.

Unfortunately for you, and for the djinn, the monster didn't start running in the other direction, nor did you realize what he was going to do next.

He feinted for the blade, making you lunge for it as well, before suddenly turning on you and slamming you into the ground. Dazed and disoriented, you didn't have a chance to throw up your hands or throw him off again before he touched two fingers to your forehead and threw you into a dreamlike state.

𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 ⋆⋆⋆ 𝐒𝐏𝐍 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐓Where stories live. Discover now