Mono and the hanging man

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As the small boy he was, Mono was an easy target for all the tall, disfigured people. Especially since there were so many people, searching for him, the Thin Man as an example. The guy from the signal tower ordered everyone to catch and possibly kill Mono. The Thin Man, that is what Mono called him, was weirdly familiar to the child, but he did not know, where he had seen him before, since that Mono was never really capable of seeing the Thin Man's face. It was always kind of glitches out and since his neck seemed to be broken, Mono was sure that this man was not alive anymore. He then remembered, that Six gave him a letter because she read his name as the first word in this letter. So he decided to take out the letter and actually read it.


I must leave this world behind in order to protect you. I have performed many hideous acts during my life, but I cannot carry out my latest duty. Run and never return to this wretched place.

Your loving father

Mono couldn't believe what he read there. All he knew about his father was, that he worked at the Maw. He never new, what his father did there but appearntly,, it was horrible. Six told him, that the guy was known among the Knomes as "The Hanging Man" after he hung himself. Before he hasn't had a name, not amongst the Knomes and Six never cared about the other people and creatures on the Maw. Except for the fact, that they all wanted to eat her. Six described The Hanging Man as a tall Figur in a suit and she described what she has seen from his face. Then, Mono understood. The Thin Man and The Hanging Man were the same person: His father. He had taken his own life, after he couldn't deal with the things he'd done anymore and now, he was chasing after his own son. Mono knew that the signal tower guy had special powers, but forcing the dead to live again, to chase their own kid? The small boy finally understood, why The Thin Man was chasing them. Not because he wanted to, but because he was forced to do so. Mono didn't know, if his father still recognized him, but he did not seem to do so. He just mindlessly chased his kid and had only one goal: To find and kill him.

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