The Beginning of the End

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Shuichi Saihara POV

There was, More or less, A ringing in my ears when I got up.

"What just.. Happened.. "

I pushed rocks from my head and got up. Ow. I looked up, and was surprised when I saw a hole near the roof of the enclosure. So..we can escape? Turning around slowly, I looked at the ultimate academy. The one we all spent memories at, the one we were trapped in. Not anymore. A boulder stood in front with an enormous amount of blood from what looks like underneath it, like it had crushed something or someone..Tsumugi, maybe? Most likely..

Himiko got up, then Maki. The two also looked unhurt, but we had to pull Himiko up since she was trapped in. I took a few deep breaths and thought about things for a second. We.. Survived. It's insane, but true apparently. The trial was a rollercoaster, I almost gave up at times. But now I can say, Kaede.. We did it. We escaped as friends. We carried your wish on.

The three of us started talking, about a lot of stuff. About how life would be like after this. About the game, about our friends.

So, as we looked at the gaping hole Keebo made in his sacrifice, I felt.. Comforted. It was a satisfying end for the danganronpa series. Fictional or not, my feelings are true.

Then everything went black. I passed out.

I fell and it didn't seem long until I woke up again. Why did that happen? Was it just that I was tired?

As I lay in this unknown spot, everything sorta came back one by one. My body felt really cold.. Why?

As I opened my eyes, I realized I was..

In the snow?

ACK! Why the hell am I laying on snow? Why was there snow in the first place? From what I remember, the ultimate academy didn't really have weather. It was just blue sky. So that raises another question! Where am I???

Wasn't I just in the exploded grounds of the academy? This has gotta be a dream.

Even so, it didn't feel like a dream at all. I got up and looked around, to see not the academy, but long rows of tiny shops and streets buzzing with people. This is getting so confusing..

Still scanning the streets for any type of answer, I realized my clothes are probably soaking wet from laying on the snow for who knows how long.

Maybe I should worry about where I am later, and get changed now. Theres a clothing store a little bit away. Maybe that'll work. So, still shivering from the cold, I fast-walked to a little shop with a sign that read, "Sew and Glow"

Odd. Whatever.

So, I walked in and felt immediate warmth. Ahhh indoors. Its warming. The shop had a little wooden desk near the front, and racks of shirts, hats, pants and other clothes. I think I can get an okay outfit here. I'll probably change back once my regular outfit is dry, though.

A lady at the counter saw me walk in when she heard the little bell, and looked very surprised. I guess I'm the only customer here? She walked up to me, looking nervous as hell. She said:

"H-hi!! W-we're so glad to h-have you! T-tell me if you need any help okay?"

That voice is familiar. Whats her name..? Maybe it's deja vu but I know that voice somewhere.

I looked down at her name patch. It was tiny, but readable I guess. Mikan? Doesn't ring a bell but.. I could've sworn I saw her when Tsumugi was acting like a psychopath with cosplay. That was confusing, but I do remember someone with a quivery voice and purple hair. How could she though? Oh well, maybe I'm just crazy. Maybe this whole situation is a just a realistic lucid dream, and I'll wake up any minute. Here's to hoping, I guess?

"Yeah, got it. I think I'm okay."

Rummaging through the shirts, I hummed a song. From French to english, it translates to.. "Moonlight". It's a soft song. One you might fall asleep to at night or play softly when your alone and it's dead quiet.

I eventually picked out something I liked, which was just a black hoodie, black pants, and a fluffy coat. The coat was two sizes too big on me, but it was the last one left that looked manageable. I paid and left, back out into the cold.

So now we figure out the major problem that's been staring me right in the face ever since I arrived. WHERE AM I AND HOW DID I GET HERE.

Jeez, how come I just stopped to buy clothing first? I really am an idiot, I guess. I have a lot bigger things to worry about than shirts.

Whatever. Maybe someone will know.. But where should I head? Its not like I'm with other people who can tell me this stuff. I'm stranded. In the middle of a busy city. With nowhere to go. That's.. Really scary to think about. I started thinking of places to go, where I might be able to find out answers.

Library maybe? It's quiet there, and not as crowded. Yea maybe I've got a good idea with that. Library it is!

I just.. Started walking. Walking to whenever I saw the library. I wasn't even sure if there was a library in this town, so I based it off of luck.

After about a half an hour of walking, I finally saw a corner building a bit larger than the rest, and the sign said; "Librarby". Probably just a misspelling of library, but how do you mess up that bad?

I walked inside and threw my coat in the pile of winter stuff at the front. I definitely had a good idea, because this place was dead silent and it didn't have a lot of people.

So as a sigh of relief filled my body, I sat down at a little green table and.. Glanced up.

My heart dropped out of my chest.

Time felt like it stopped.

As I stared, I could only sputter one word.



Hey my lil Cheerios! You all don't know how happy I am to continue posting for you guys. When I was away from Wattpad for a while, I got super into Danganronpa, so that's why there's a sudden change of stories and writing style. I hope you all enjoy the beginning of this new, exciting story I'm writing! Remember to keep smiling everyone and happy holidays!


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