Too Many Coincidences

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Maki Harukawa POV

So, the escape worked I guess.

I never really thought I could actually escape this place. I mostly just accepted death, as that meant the killing game of Danganronpa would end. The pain, the death, the executions. Fiction, yea, but that won't change anything about what we've experienced. The series known as Danganronpa wont go on anymore.

Shuichi looked at me with a satisfied smile. He didn't say anything, but that smile was the words of.. "We did it, we carried Kaedes wish". Honestly, its satisfying. Kaede wasn't the only one who wanted this. It was all of our fallen friends. Most of all, Kaito.

He never gave up. He.. Wanted me to live on. So that's what I'll do. I'll keep him in memories from now and forever.

As we looked at the gaping hole Keebo created, I saw Shuichi looking odd. He was dizzy, I think. Then he.. Passed out.

"Woah! Shuichi-" I said, coming over to him. But before I could even say anything else. I blacked out too. I guess it's just a common thing nowadays.

It was silent.

I'm kinda used to it, since most training from childhood ended up in me passing out from exhaustion.

So I just expected to wake up back on the grounds of the ultimate academy.

But something feels.. Different. I'm really cold. Like, Winter cold.

I opened my eyes. I was sitting on a park bench. What the hell.

"How did I..?" Was the first thing I said, before realizing no one was gonna hear me.

Why? Because when I got up from the snowy bench, I saw streets buzzing with people, and a lot of shops. A city. I woke up in a city.

"Well, not the weirdest thing I've experienced today. I saw a cosplay morpher and an exploding robot"

I thought to myself. Still, it's confusing. I brushed off piles of snow from me, leading me to the fact that I've probably been sitting there for a while. Again though, why?

I started to realize just how cold it was. People were walking around with scarves and hats, snow on their shoulders. Definitely winter.

So, I guess I don't really have any other options, then. It's a bit large, but I guess it'll do..

I reached behind me into a bag of stuff. Unlike the other two, I actually thought to bring some stuff I might need. Even when going to god knows where.

My hand felt around for it, grabbing things and putting them back in. Finally though, I pulled it out.

Kaitos Jacket.

After he died, I still wanted to keep it as more of.. A memory. It still has some dried blood all over the sleeve.

I threw it over myself, and only put one sleeve in.

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