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Legsly Said happily

Poppy looked at her wrist
"And just on time, It's 8:58 pm, A few more minutes left and It'll be nine O' Clock sharp"

"Pff! You knew that without a watch?"
Barb asked

"Eh..I dunno....Every character At their wrist for time logic I guess..."
Poppy shrugged

"Now Come on Ya'll! Let's ain't waste more Time!"
Delta said

They All went inside the Partying Rap battle cave

As they did, all the other trolls looked at them with confused Faces

They all began to whisper to eachother and murmur

"Is that the Trollipops?"
A Funk troll murmured

"I think so.."
A techno troll Murmured back

"But I thought they retired last year!"
A Pop Troll whispered

Ava Looked around and noticed
"Uhh what's with all the Trolls Whispering some stuff?"

"I think it's just some random Startle Shizz..I mean..Yeah I gues it's been long since We wore these Jackets so yeah.."
Barb Crossed her arms while Walking

"Huh? Seems sus if You ask me?"
Delta Rubbed her chin

Poppy Noticed it too
"Yeaahhh.....But Like what Barb said, They must be Shocked...Atleast.."

They came across Smidge

"Oh hey Smidge!"
Poppy Ran to her

"Oh Poppy! What do u Need?"
Smidge asked

"I just Wanted to ask...Why Were we Invited to the Reunion..and...What do you guys want us to Sing!"
Poppy Looked around

Smidge Shook her head
"What? I think Your getting it all wrong Poppy.....You were Invited to-

"Oi Smidge, Do you have any idea Where the Punch Table's at?"
Barb Asked excitedly

Smidge Pointed
"Oh..It's over there on the right!"

Barb Said and ran to the Punch table

"Anyways...You were invited to-
Smidge Was about to Continue

But got cut off by Delta Dawn
"Hey Smidge...do you happen to know where Hickory is?"

"Oh yeah He's in the Bathroom"
Smidge Pointed

"Oh alright!"
Delta walked off there

"Okay..As I was Saying, You were invited to-
Smidge was about to continue

But got Cut Off by Ava
"Smidge what do the trolls want us to sing for tonight?"

Smidge Pulled her ears while yelling

"Okay okay We'll shut up, Now Go on!"
Poppy Taped Ava's Mouth with scrapbook tape

Smidge Cleared her throat..
"Okay.....You All were invited To NOT SING..........but......Uhhhh......To

"Wait what?"
Ava Pulled the tape off her mouth

Barb Spit the Punch she was Drinking

"OW- what?"
Delta hit her head on the bathroom as she came out

DJ Suki and Legsly looked at eachother

Poppy nervously chuckled
"Smidge....Your Kidding right? Then....Who invited us?"

Smidge Pointed at a Glowing stage

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